Invert / Coral / Shrooms Sugestions?


I basically have a fish only tank, right now a 90 gallon, soon to be a 180 Gallon SW tank. My lighting is standard PC and I have lots of water flow and filtration. The fish going into it are:
Harlekin Tusk
Flame Hawkfish
Fox Face
maybe a Sailfin Tang
and a Medium sized Lion.
What would be good nice colored inverts feather dusters or anything thats low maintence that is a reddish orange color. Just something to add some color to the live rock. But low maintence is key, and I don't want to invest in expensive lighting.


Your harlequin tusk, flame hawk, and lion will eat any inverts that you put in the tank. Feather dusters are actually worms, and I'm pretty sure they would be lunch too. Shrooms should be fine, I think. Your foxface might nip at corals, though. Sorry!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robdog696
Your harlequin tusk, flame hawk, and lion will eat any inverts that you put in the tank. Feather dusters are actually worms, and I'm pretty sure they would be lunch too. Shrooms should be fine, I think. Your foxface might nip at corals, though. Sorry!

Check a lot of pro's ref tanks and u always see a foxface in them. Mine never touches anything but what it is supposed too.


Active Member
probably not with a standard fish tank fixture. you might want to look into a better light source. look for somethign used if you don't want to spend.