invert list


here's the list...20 Scarlet Reef Hermits, 20 Blueleg Hermits 20 Turbo Snails, 1 Porcelain Crab, 2 Brittle Stars, 1 Coral Banded Shrimp, and 3 Emerald Crabs


Active Member
Sounds ok but I would have more snails, for a 55gal anyway. I have almost 30 snails in my 26 gal and it still doesn't seem like enough.


Is it necessary to have all those smails and crabs. I have a 75 gal and I have 10 snails and 10 blue hermits in my tank


Active Member
Here is my advice. Don't go out and put all of your cleanup crew in at once. Every system is different regardless of tank size. Some conditions produce more that needs to be cleaned up than others. I recommend getting a WIDE variety of inverts/cleaners, but only get a few at a time. Attempt to create diversity, for the different members of the cleanup crew will focus on different elements of what needs to be cleaned. By adding a few at a time, you will learn where the balance is. I'm sure that many of us have dumped in a bunch of cleaners, only to have some of them die from starvation after they've wiped everything out. To acheive a balance, just add a few at a time (couple of snails and a couple of crabs, etc..) By the way, different snails do different work loads. If you put 20 or more trochus snails in a 55, you'd lose at least half because they are eating machines. The point is, variety, - and add a few at a time to acheive balance. I'd forget the porcelain as a cleaner, they are only filter feeders. Also, research the CBS, they don't fit well with other shrimp sometimes. Try to think about not only what you want now, but in the future as well.