Been through grad school, more years than I wish to say, LOL. And I agree... I loved the work, and MANY people don't realize what it is.
In general, I would say marine biologists actually are not dolphin trainers (you would be better off getting a degree at least in animal behavior, or more likely as an animal keeper).
Few also really work at aquariums (though I did for a spell). There is a bit of a "bad vibe" about many marine biologists in the aquarium industry. Many have a bit too much attitude. Keeping tanks is actually very different from the real marine environment, and it takes a different person to be an aquarist. Many marine biologists will not be hired as aquarists. It is just very different.
By training I am a marine invertebrate taxonomist which means that I studied inverts (almost exclusively brittlestars). The animals I was primarily interested in were deep sea, which is another major area of discovery. But "marine biologists" might be interested in anything from a maritime forest ecosystem, rocky shores, sandy beaches, tropics to arctic, intertidal to the deep sea, specialized ecosystems like coral reefs, marine caves, inland hypersaline systems, etc. There are loads of specializations within the field. It is a very broad subject, because it is a huge ecosystem....the majority of the surface of the planet.
But I spent nearly ALL my time in museums, looking at specimens in jars. And this is part of the reality. It costs money to go dive and collect things and you have to sell that research to get the money. If you don't, you may not do the research, won't publish papers, won't get further grants, or tenure at a university. It is very stressful, and it is the reality of life as a scientist.
It is not glamorous but for a true marine biologist, wandering through a salt marsh or mud flat or whatever would be a great way to spend the day :yes: Studying zonation is fascinating, IMO. Comparing a rocky intertidal to a sand beach, or rocky temperate intertidal to a tropical rocky intertidal...man, that is fun! :yes: I don't regret any of it. Have had a blast!