Invert pkg arrived!!


The lucky horseshoe package arrived at my door this morning. Everything was in great condition except a couple of peppermint shrimp. I'll give then another couple days to get over the shock. All else looks great. One of the horseshoes is almost as big as my fist!! That's too big!!! They look so cool. My horseshoe I already had immediately came out to play with his new friends. Just wanted to share another positive story about ordering from this site. COOP.


I imagine that big one is going to be hard to keep. The smaller ones are a little easier. The one I saved comes out every third day to eat, then he disappears under the sand. They're fun to watch, so I'll keep you updated.
Hey coop Ive got a pair of Horshoe crabs myself :D I was saddened briefly as I noticed one was laying up against the LR not moving for sometime. I took it out of the tank and it was lifeless. As I thought about going to my LFS to get another I saw one come up from under the sand and well being new to the hobby I didnt know they molted!! So sad day turned out to be okay my 2 little crab are doing fine 1 is just a little bigger than he used to be. Good luck with yours, you'll get a kick out of them when it goes for a swim uptop and gets caught it the power head stream..... :rolleyes:


I was looking at getting the lucky horseshoe package, of course after I put live sand in. How big do horseshoes get? One place says 20" another says 4.5" so which is it? This sounds like a cool package.
Hey there "goofieones" Im not sur how big they getI got mine when they were about the size of a Quarter & now they are about the size of a 50cent piece. I got them for $5.00
each from the same place I get my live rock....... :D


Staff member
They can get about a, I can't see that these creatures can be kept for very long except in rather large tangs. Some species will also eat other, once they start to get bigger, you might find some crabs missing!


Thanks for all the replies everyone. I was unaware that the horseshoe crab moltes also. Thanks for that bit of info. My wife freaked out when she saw the molt from the banded shrimp. It cloned itself, she said! I'd love to hear any of your horseshoe stories. I hand fed them some krill yesterday, so that should keep them happy for a while.