Invert Question


Active Member
A lot of people's listing of tank residents seem to include shrimp or crabs. My question is that if I have a 30 gallon fish-only tank, do I need to / should I get some type of invertebrate to clean up the bottom of the tank?
If so, any recommendations on what?


well if you have sand in there then I dont see why you couldnt add some hermits and snails and such. Just make sure that whatever fish you have in there are invert safe, if not then they will become lunch.


Active Member
Ok, anyone have any recommendations on what to add? I have access to a fairly good inventory locally, so any recommendations on what would work well in my small tank would be appreciated.


Any of the basic snails. Hermits are good for cleaning the rock and sand. I've got an emerald crab he' neat and loves to clean the rock. but like robb said just make sure that your fish are invert safe. this is what ive got in a 20g nass snails, bumblebee snails and a few turbos and then ive also got scarlett and blue leg hermits.


Active Member
Your inverts, as someone else has already stated, depend completely on what you have in the tank. If it is an aggressive tank, you probably would be wasting your money in getting inverts. If you have a community tank, you should be able to get away with several different types of shrimp (cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, fire shrimp, camel shrimp), crabs (anemone crabs, porcelain crabs, emerald crabs, hermit crabs), and snails (Mexican turbo snails, nassarius snails, astrea snails, etc...).
Post your stock list and you will get much more useful recommendations.


Active Member
I posted my tank list to my profile, in shorthand its just damsels and clowns so I appear to be ok with inverts.
Thanks for the link to the compatibility chart, I've bookmarked that in case the mods here decide it doesn't belong.
My plan right now is to just pick up a hermit or two and see how they do. Websites I've read said 1 per 10 gallons, so I don't want to overstock.