Invertebrate Food Question


Invertebrate Food Question
I’m really confused by the array of invertebrate foods offered out there. To make it simpler, I narrowed my search down to Kent products; since I use and trust them the most (although I know there are many other fine products).
Kent products for invertebrate food include:
PhytoPlex, ZooPlex, ChromaPlex, MicroVert,
PhytoMax, ZooMax, ChromaMax.
I know they all serve different purposes, and are tuned to unique inverts/conditions. I guess I can eliminate everything with “Max” at the end, because my tank is only 20gal-tall. But I still don’t know what of the remaining four are most appropriate for me… I’m thinking of going with PhytoPlex, since it seems to provide the most broad spectrum.
My tank currently has:
3 Blue Leg Crabs
3 Red Leg Crabs
3 Turbo Snails
2 Button Polyps **More Planned**
2 Littleneck Clams
1 Cleaner Shrimp
17-18lbs Live Rock **home to numerous feather dusters, peanut worms and coralline**
2 False Clowns
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Clown Goby
I Currently Supplement with:
Kent Iodine