invertebrate ?


i have just set up a 18 gallon reef nano tank. it is fully cycled with all my numbers where they should be. i am ready to add a clown. will i be ok to add invertebrates at the same time? i have lots of live sand and live rock with good past growth. is it too early to add some shrimp and crabs now?


Active Member
If you're fully cycled and your water params have remained stable, go ahead and add the inverts. :)

bang guy

Anemone are often the first animal hobbiests attempt to keep. Unfortunately most of them quickly perish. They really are for the advanced hobbiest.
I would suggest other easier to care for animals.


i agree with that. one thing i left out though. i have a 75 gallon established tank already set up so i have a very good idea in what i am doing. the only thing is that i am new to a reef only tank. i have ordered the invertebrates. i will then add one fish only due to bioload issues, what else would you recommend then if not an anemone?

bang guy

Do you like LPS? Like a Frogspawn or an Open Brain Coral? Ricordea are nice looking and very hardy also.