Inverts, Corals, & Fish


fixit said 1 invert per gal.i have a 75 gal cycling right now for a reef tank so does that mean i put 75 inverts plus my corals and fish or like 50 inverts and some corals and fish?
AND What kind of LIGHTS do I need?


New Member
Marine biologists say 1 hermit crab per 10 square feet of floor and rock.
These online stores are just out to make a quick buck by pushing all these hermits on us.
I've removed mine by the way and use snails to clean the tank up.


Active Member
I've seen stores and talked to people who say 1 hermit per gallon too. That always seemd a little extreme to me. I've got a 75g reef, and I currently have 8 blue-legs, 7 scarlet reef hermits, 1 emerald crab, and 10 turbo snails. They seem to do a pretty good job... algae is kept to a minimum most of the time. If anything, I think I could use a few more (maybe 5) turbo snails. At times algae tends to build up on the glass. No biggie though. For a 75, I'd say go with 10 blues, 10 scarlets, and 20 turbos. That should keep algae at bay.
Good luck.
Hi all, I do push to the more snails the better ,less crabs like the blue legs. I myself feel emerald crabs take care of most algea that is not hard algea and, are more intresting to watch. also this 1 per gallon refered to snails , crabs, brittle stars and so on. In our reef we have that many and we and more from time to time. our other invert are now a totall of about 32, leathers,tubue worms, mushrooms,etc. cya...fixit :D


Active Member
I have 15-20 blue legs, one scarlet hermit, 5 astreas, 1 big mexican turbo, and 3 cortez snails, 1 peppermint - 90 gallon tank - I clean the glass every two weeks.
I use tap water - dechlorinated, carbon filtered Detroit city water....
No hair algae, no diatoms, no slime. Nitrates at 10 and coming down.....
Having alot of hermits is nice if you overfeed so some of the extra food gets eaten instead of rotting.


yeah but the extra food that the hermits eat has to come out sometime.....
schroder_reef :p


Active Member
Anything organics that enter the tank must be converted into waste via consumption or rotting, it doesn't matter which the end result is the same.
My 29gal reef has 4 snails, 3 scarlet hermit crabs and a brittle star and my gravel stays clean, go figure.


My 30 gal has 8 turbos, a brittle star, a snail that just appeared one day that I haven't identified, and 10 or 11 or 12 blue legged hermit crabs. (I originally put in 10 but counted more the other day. I think I've got a hermit crab population growth.) I believe I have too many hermits. A couple of mine have gotten pretty big compared to the teeny babies that I put in there originally and seem to bother the feather dusters. My sand stays imbecible, but they eat the pretty purple algeas off the rocks. I do occasionally have to clean algea off the glass walls. Sometime I just move a snail and thwock it to the wall where I want it to be eating. I heard that snails and crabs don't add to the bio load. But how can that be?