Inverts dying at an alarming rate, pls help


Well it all began with the death of my green chromis, he became missing and I assume that the crabs, shrimp ate him. Then a turbo snail die, he climbed up on the heater and I beleived he was burned to death. Next a pink and white cucummber die, and two emerald crabs, I think they ate the cucmmber and was poision. Prior to the inverts deaths, I check all water limits and they were fine with the exception of ammonia and it was at .25. I did a water 10.% and check all the limits again and they were fine. Why are these inverts dying so quick ? My tank is 8 weeks after cyclying. Please advise!!!!
55 gal with wet/dry filter
berlin skimmer
2 402 power heads
300 watt heater
55 lbs LR
65 lbs LS
1 green chromis
16 hermits crabs
1 emerald crab
1 coral banded shrimp
2 pepermint shrimps
1 camel shrimp
4 turbo snails


Active Member
Well, it could be a lot of things. First, you said you didn't find the chromis. Sometimes they hide in rock work. However, if he is dead, he may still be decaying in the tank, causing a spike. .25 ammonia is not a good thing. Anything over 0 is too much.
That could and would cause invert death. Although if not, you may have answered your own question about the emeralds.
However, I would be inclined to think the ammonia is what started it off.
Snail burning - could be...may also have just fallen off and drowned sitting upside down too long.
Sometimes, things die. Some of this may just be coincidence, and bad timing.
Also, what kind of water are you using?


You may have already considered this but since it is inverts dying, is there any chance you introduced copper into the system?


Active Member
How long have the snails and other inverts been in the tank?
Are you sure you cycled completly? Copper...could be, but not if they were in the tank for awhile.
Pink cucs are poisonous and you will need to get the toxin out of the water before you add fish. Other than more water changes, i'm not sure how else. IMO, it was early to add that to a new system.
Could he have been stressed and released toxin, killed the fish, which killed everything else??? Who knows.....:(


I had a pink and white cuccmber to die, in the process two of my emerald crabs ate him and they dyed too. Now I did a water change of about 20% soon after that, about a week ago. How long do I wait b4 adding anything else to my tank? Or how many water changes should I do b4 I add anything else?
55 gal with wet/dry filter
65 lbs LS
55 lbs LR
2 402 power heads
300 watt heater
berlin skimmer
1 green chromis
16 hermit crabs
4 turbo snails ( - 1)
1 emerald crab (- 2)
2 pepermint shrimps
1 coral banded shrimp
1 camel shrimp