What would cause mu inverts to start dying at the rate of one per week.
3 weeks ago I noticed theat my blood red shrimp was awol.
2 weeks ago, my cbs died and last week the lobster was dead in the AM.
No nitrates and all other stuff is in range, could it be lack of Iodine? Its been a month since a water change, but 'trates are at 2ppm, so I have not been in a hurry to do one.
Any thoughts?
3 weeks ago I noticed theat my blood red shrimp was awol.
2 weeks ago, my cbs died and last week the lobster was dead in the AM.
No nitrates and all other stuff is in range, could it be lack of Iodine? Its been a month since a water change, but 'trates are at 2ppm, so I have not been in a hurry to do one.
Any thoughts?