inverts molting or dieing??


This morning I found what looked like one of my blue legs pulled from its shell and half eaten. I have only 6 blue legs in there. My question is from what I understand they molt as they grow. Legs and all?? there were what looked to be legs and some clear stuff which I thought was just corpse.
All 6 seem to still be alive.
One more thing. I want some crabs that can operate in daylight. are there any???? my blues sit tight till lights out.


We've experienced both molt and death.
When our scarlet and blues molt it's hard to distinguish between molt vs death. The molt has a more transparent appearance (legs and parial body) and are light so tend to sway in the current more.
We also recently had a scarlet that had been pulled from it's shell and partially eaten by someone in the tank!?? Anyway, what was left looked like a molt but the legs were still firm and deep red.
I hoep this is somewhat helpful but I think it is a little diffucult to tell unless you pull out the remains! <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


I too have experienced molting of my 2 blue and 1 red crabs. They molt their entire body(clear) and legs together in 1 molting. You may have seen just the legs if your other fish in the tank go up and just pick at it.
I actually saw the blue crab molt. It was very interesting. The body just slowly moves off and a new bigger but softer shell/legs imerges. After he/she molted he didn't come to eat that day. Since then he has molted once more!
As for crabs that feed during the day, I'm not sure. I also have 2 emerald crabs and they too feed and come out at night...
Good luck to you!


Our alge eating, scarlet and emerald crabs all are pretty active during the day. The emerald is less active but it is fun playing hide and seek with him. The most active during the day are the alge eater crabs
All my crabs are out during the day, blue legs, scarlets, emeralds and sally lightfoot. The only thing I have that is nocturnal so far are the brittle stars. Is there some other reason your clean up crew is hiding?