

how high was your ammonia reading during cycle...
The power of your bio filter will dictate how many fish or inverts you can add at one time.
Some here claim that an ammonia reading over 0.25 is to high if you have live rock in the tank, as it will kill of the live bacteria on the rock. but if you cycle with pure ammonia and only add live rock after the cycle, then your bio filter will be strong and you can add a tank full of fish and inverts and not worry about an ammonia spike. the last poster said, how big is your tank, and how it it cycled.
what are it current water readings.


+1 we need more info. normally i will try to add like 4 or 5 snails and maybe a shrimp but thats about it. it also depends on your size and yourr tank peramiters.


how high was your ammonia reading during cycle...
The power of your bio filter will dictate how many fish or inverts you can add at one time.
Some here claim that an ammonia reading over 0.25 is to high if you have live rock in the tank, as it will kill of the live bacteria on the rock. but if you cycle with pure ammonia and only add live rock after the cycle, then your bio filter will be strong and you can add a tank full of fish and inverts and not worry about an ammonia spike. the last poster said, how big is your tank, and how it it cycled.
what are it current water readings.


Normally inverts don't count into the bioload of the tank significantly. If you are talking about a clean up crew you just want to make sure that you do not add more than what the tank is providing food for. Depending on what size the tank is if you added 3 or 4 snails and or hermits that would probably be good to start. What you don't want to do is add 20 of each, have them clean up all the algae in two days and then not have anything to eat so they slowly starve to death leaving you with only a few. I would start with a few and add more as I get more fish/livestock in the tank that is providing more food for them.


My tank is a 30 gallon. I didnt cycle it yet. I just needed as much info as i can get as im going to start cycling it probably within the next few weeks or so.


i would start off with like 5 small snails and let them go for about a week or 2. then you could try a damsel for a few weeks then depending on your stock list go from there. but this is after your tank has cycled and everything is in check.
as far as what inverts you should have im not an expert but this is what i would do:
5- turbo snails
15- nass. snails
15- cerith snails
1-2 skunk cleaner shrimp
??? peppermint shrimp(depends on what you like)
i would stay away from the hermits. the are a pain. they will kill the snails for food and there shell. i have 3 in my tank that i cannot ever get to and they wiped out my first batch of snails(like 25 of them) for food. and i fed them very well, left extra shells and everything they still killed mine so i say stay away from them if possible


I used to have a bunch of nassirus snails , but my lfs doesnt always have them in stock. Is it a good idea to get them online?


you could order all of them at once and put most of them in a QT until you feel the DT is ready for them. as far as food goes for the snails mine really like to eat algee sheets. so that could be a way of food in the QT for a few weeks. has never let me down. i havnt lost any inverts yet... only one fish(never figured out y). but if your ordering online buy from here


Anyone here ever have a purple lobster? I had one when my tank was setup, loved that thing. But it died somehow and i had no idea why, all my water perimeters were correct.
Also if i wasnt using R/O water at that time could that have been that problem?


as far as the RO water goes there might have been copper in the water you were using that could have killed him. he might not have been getting enough food either. i dont know what type of food they need but, he might not be gettine enough.


There was no copper in my water though, i had a testing kit not as strips though . Also i had a few other inverts with him at the time so it most likely wasn't copper.I was giving him cubes of something i forget what and some brine shrimp and other stuff. I tried giving a variety of food sat that time. I remember i was hand feeding him as he only came out during the night.


i wish i could help you out more on this lobster thing but ive never owned one so i cannot really help. i do know that alot of inverts are very sensitive to copper so it probly wasnt your problem