Originally Posted by
SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/393401/inverts#post_3500245
I'm always weary about those "organic" ich medicines in a reef tank...
Agreed, I have yet to see a "reef safe" ich agent that is truly safe and truly effective. The problem is that often, when it is used, it is credited as having removed the ich when either A) other variables caused the ich to die off or B) the ich just entered the next stage of the life cycle, causing it to appear gone.
Ich needs the very same conditions that inverts need to survive, so any effective ich killer needs to deprive the organism of something it needs, thus inevitably removing something that the inverts need.
Flower is spot on, letting a tank go without fish for long enough to starve the organism is the only 100% sure way to remove ich in a tank populated by inverts that I know of. It works every single time, and costs nothing, but requires patience and discipline. I have used this method for invert populated tanks and it has worked for me every time.
Of course, an ounce of PREVENTION.....