

New Member
Are there any inverts i can put with a 3 inch picasso trigger a 4inch niger trigger and a 3 inch porky puff any inverts are fine i was thinking a spiny urchin because of the spines thanks any response is great even if it is a guess i know triggers are unpredictable thanks in advance.


Large hermit crabs.. about the same size as the trigger.. mine is about 3" and noone messes with him.. plus the thing eat's like a pig!!!


I dont have the picaso but i have the puff and niger and a few others in with a Halloween Crab, they dont bother him any but i think he's attacking my bluelegs but with the fish he stands his own


New Member
Is there any other names for the haloween crab i cant find it and i should probaly get it bigger than the fish correct. thanks


ill go find it and post<a href="" target="_blank">halloween hermit</a>


yup, thats what I was calling a "large hermit" guess it's a halloween hermit. . mines about 3" across.. not counting the shell..


New Member
Cool i think i will buy that it is nice and by the shell on top i dont think they have a chance at eating him but can i get a bluelegged hermit as well and could i get a choclate chip star fish thanks for the response
what do hermit crabs eat and what are some other good hermits will a horseshoe get eaten
a large hermit will work legged hermits will get picked on and eaten if you put alot in your tank some will survive and learn to scavenge at night and a starfish with triggers is a gourmet meal...


New Member
So there is no other hermits to put in with them and last question i wanted to know what everyone thought was better a small piccaso niger trigger and a puffer or if i get a lot of crabs shrimps a purple lobster and other inverts would that get boring quick.


hey if you getbit by this hobby even a tank with only Lr it would never be boring, theres so much life in tanks besides fish, some tanks are better with few fish.


I have 2 Cleaner shrimp. I have seen them climbing on my Clown trigger. Will this last or will they become a meal?


I have a 4-5" porky who ignores everything else in the tank except my hand (when I'm holding some krill). I've had brittle stars, hermits (large and small), snails, and shrimp...and the only thing he cares about is my hand. Every time I walk by the tank he comes out of his cave and starts begging. He's worse than my dog (great pyrenees) but luckily not as big. :D


i have had success with my blue leg hermits, turbo snails and a ch. chip starfish with my triggers and my grouper.... 3 months and they havent even given them a second look to my surprise?!?!?