What type of clean up crew is likely to survive/thrive in an aggressive FOWLR containing a Spadefish, Blue jaw trigger and a Lionfish? This tank also has a deep sandbed.
The blue throat, and lion, should not bother any snails, or hermits. You never really know for sure though.
I have no experience with the spadefish, so can't give you any advice with that one.
If it is an Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber). It feeds primarily on marine invertebrates, particularly crustaceans. So that could cause you some problems with a cleaning crew. A large hermit would probably be fine, but then you would have to worry about him eating something or someone. One of the big pains about aggressive tanks is the lack or the expense of a cleaning crew.
It is an Atlantic Spadefish. He is about 5 inches right now. I saved him from being part of someones friday fishfry. He is a temporary guest and doing just fine. I never knew but apparently Spadefish are very good eating