Investing money


a bunny with a pancake on its head!
Im sure thats an old one or sumthin, but Ive never
seen it before!
2 Funny.

marlins #1

Dude im so interested, but I would like a low down summary on Shares and Stocks and the whole Wall Street mumble jumble.
I know if I go to a site and read about it, it won't be in plain english.
Don't you notice thats how they get you, especially on CONTRACTS, they overflow the pages with information, and put things you won't understand, and SIGN HERE and DATE Clearly.....
SO Email me.
An honest opinion, its always the ones you think would be failures that end up making all the money, catching others by surprise.
And this is the 5 time I wrote SURPRISE Tonight, am I spelling it right, too late to notice.
Thanks you, and Dimond Mines sound interesting, you sure they working daily, and not sleeping on it.
If you do loose your money, like most wanna be americans say, BLAMEEEE CANADAAA, lol j/k thanks


A penny stock to go up to $15 is highly unlikely. About 2 years ago I bought a Bio-medical stock at .07 a share and it went up to 1.04, I made some really good coin off that, and I was extremey lucky for that to happen. Its almost a gaurantee that it'll never happen again. Generally a profitable penny stock wil generally go up .25 to .50 and thats considered really good. Good Luck!



Originally posted by aarone
even if it goes to 1.04 i will still be 81,900 richer

It is definitely a long term investment, considering it is currently at a 10th of a penny. I'll get a list of nice penny stocks and dollar stocks and post on here for people to inquire about.
Keep in mind, these are LONG TERM investments. Stuff that you will probably forget about and either get notice that you are RICH in 20years or company goes under and you lost your money.


Active Member
Good luck! That works both ways. I bought $5000.00 of a particular stock a few years ago that the last time I checked was worth $24.00 now. Not one of my better decisions during my learning stages. It's not even worth selling now.


Active Member

considering it is currently at a 10th of a penny

Actually isn't that currently 100th of a penny.
My take on penny stocks is that they're penny stocks for a reason, sure you get lucky once in a while, but your odds are better to put $100 and buy a couple shares of a well-traded stock, or put it into S&P funds, which you can actually get a couple through houses for $100. Your chances of being rich are lower, but there is more stability and in the long run more growth.
Not to ruffle any dreams, but in every finance and investing class i took in business school (and god there were too many of them) the return-to-risk factor of penny stocks was equated to being about half that of the lottery. So your odds of being successful at a great magnitude is two times better with a hundred lottery tickets. This is factoring both risk and return keep in mind (with those betas and other ugly equations for portfolio risk), many people buy a penny stock and it goes to two cents, but factoring in return magnitude, I'd just play the lottery.
But all that being said, someone has to win the lottery, and some penny stock has to make it big. I just wouldn't be overly anxious of it happening anytime soon, because if there have been that many TV shows and reports done on the Canadian diamond mines then if there was a high potential of true value the big houses would be all over it. That and my old classmates working at Goldman Sachs would be calling me trying to get me to invest in their diamond company funds. That and my broker used to be heavily involved in diamond/ore investments in the North, a Detroit man, so if he isn't pushing Canadian diamond mines on me, then I'm guessing it isn't great for LT growth.
Hope you win the "stock lottery", you can buy a lot of fish equipment if it does well over 40 years or so.