IO or Oceanic?


Which is better overall for reefers and coralline? Instant Ocean or Oceanic? In my area for a 50 gal mix IO cost $19.99 and Oceanic cost $24.99. I like the Oceanic because of the jug it comes with hehe but never used it.


Active Member
Theres a reason IO is so cheap. Cause its crap. Shop around on line for Ocianic. I get the 90 g. jug local for $29.99

jb rekit

people have had problems with the oceanic being abnormally high in calcium. I've been through 7 buckets and haven't had a problem, but you might want to find out if that has been corrected yet, or if you live in the same area as the people that have bought the unbalanced mix.
I've used many brands and to be honest with you haven't noticed much difference if any at all. Red Sea, Reef Crystals, Oceanic, IO, and i'm sure some more, i'd have to go look at my buckets, but back to the question to get the coralline growth, you just need a stable system and do regular water changes and normal maintenance and with time, you will have more than you want to deal with.


yea right now i use coralife its cheap and the ph stays balanced well,...and on that garf site they reccommend IO wierd!?


Well I Here Are The Prices In My LFS
Oceanic 90g jug - 19.99
IO 50G bag - 9.99
CoralLife Bucket - 39.99
I Bought a Oceanic because it comes in a sexy jug :joy: and ever thing seems fine.

murray bmf

I have used a lot of different brands and have not really noticed a difference. I think good husbandry and stable water conditions are key. Right now I'm using Oceanic for the ease of mixing. I buy the prepackaged 5 gallon mix because it's simple. Have not had any problems. I used to use IO exclusively but can't say I've noticed a difference between the two, but thats just me....


Active Member
Originally Posted by vtecbro007

My old tank (Avitar) was all IO salt mix...I switched last year to Oceanic becuase it was cheaper and easier to get. Like a lot of people I got a bad pail, the Mag level of the mixed salt at 35 ppm was over 1650.
FWIW, I use Tropic Marin salt now.


ummm,...but i heard it was only one batch like that so yea,...i think ill use Oceanic because its convinent(sp)


Apparently none have read the Oceanic thread on Reef Central. There was some concerns that the Oceanic was causing algae/film issues. I don't believe that I can post a link here, so you'll just have to do a search for it on --.


Active Member
yeah, there's a lot more problems with this salt then just one batch...Some have no problems at all, some have problems and don't know its the salt mix, some have problems with IO. I recall a large shipment of IO doing some major damage to tanks in Canada.
I like Tropic Marin


Active Member
I buy what's on sale...then test the levels and adjust from there...(kind of a "control freak")
I've been bouncing between Reef Crystals and Tropic Marin (both a little higher in calcium than IO) and Oceanc is not available locally so I haven't had to fight it...
Haven't had any "problems" nor run into any "bad batchs" of either product, and haven't really noticed any "major" differences either..
Maybe I'm just "lucky"...