Iodide, Calcium, Strontium, Alkalinity


:scared: I talked to my place where I get all my fish and reef. He told that I need all Calcium, Iodide, Strontium, and Alkalinity. He also told me that the Calcium, Strontium and Alkalinity needed to be added twice a week and to be safe Iodide once a week. I am a beginner and would like all of your oppinions. I have a 29gal tank as well with a Skilter 250?? I think... but i also put a seperate air pump with a wood stone at the bottom of the skilter to help pro. skim... I also have a powerhead 402 and a 250 Aquaclear....
Another question... I put calcium in my tank and now it is cloudy. Any sug???:help:


Active Member
i stongly urge you to not dose anything to your tank unless you have a test kit for it.. as it is possible to overdose alot of things. and some overdoses can lead to disaster.. do you have a reef tank, or a fish only tank... i dont think you really need all those things at all except the cal and alk.. but if you dont have a reef.. you dont really need the cal and alk as much either.... and btw Welcome to


:) I have a reef tank... I have a lot of mushrooms, 2 anemones, Xenias, Polyps, 30 pounds of LR, Carrib sand, Red Sea salt, crabs, snails, starfish, Lawnmower Blenny, Dark Clown, Twin-spotted Butterfly, Sand-sifter Goby, Coral Beauty Angel, a Brain, Fire Scallop, Peppermint Shrimp, Coral Life 96 watt light. thank you for welcoming me!! :)