Iodine and calcium question


Active Member
Are high levels of iodine and calcium detrimental to fish, corals, inverts, etc? I have a 46G and I add one capful of Kent Calcium daily and one capful of Kent Iodine weekly. I do not usually test for either of these as I didn't know if high levels were a problem.


Active Member
Stop adding iodine, especially if you don't test for it. You should test to see what your iodine and calcium levels are at now without adding anymore and post them. People here will be able to help you once we know where you're at. :D
Yes...high levels can be a problem for livestock.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback, I am going to pick up a test kit for both iodine and calcium tonight. I never had a clue that they could be an issue! I will post my readings back to this thread, but what numbers are typically dangerous and what levels are generally ok?
Thanks again, you guys are way too helpful,


Active Member
You'll also want to test for Alkalinity and pH if your looking to dose calcium, its all a balance.
I would be careful about dosing Iodine, you should get all the Iodine you need from water changes. I personally don't add any iodine to my reef and have not had any problems.


Active Member
I think I'm going to buy every test kit that is available at the shop, thanks again everyone for your help. I'll post some numbers as well as a list of what I dose, how much and when I do it.


Active Member

Originally posted by Farslayer
I think I'm going to buy every test kit that is available at the shop, thanks again everyone for your help. I'll post some numbers as well as a list of what I dose, how much and when I do it.

Do yourself a favor....get Salifert test kits. IMO :D


Active Member
I've seen that brand recommended before, I'll take your advice and look for them. Some of the local shops are wanting in their supply, but there is a larger store (don't think I can say the name?) here that may have them.


New Member
I am planing to buy Ph, phosphate, calcium, and nitrate salifert test kits, any more kit anyone think i should get beside these 4 or are they the main one. and btw. what additives should you guys recommend, should i use any additives at all? if it's neccesary, can someone tell me what additives is mandatory. for corals, inverts, fish to have a healthy life. thanks


Active Member
I have the Salifert Alk, Cal, Mg, Nitrate and phosphate test. I use a pH monitor also.
Depending on what corals you get you may be able to get by with just water changes.


Active Member
It allows you to keep tab's on your pH throughout the day through a probe that sits in the tank or sump. I have a Pinpoint pH probe which costs about $90. It has an LCD readout for the pH.