

I need some good information on iodine. What does it do, how does it help. Should I test for it/add it?
75 gal reef. Increasing numbers of SPS. Mainly zoas and mushrooms at this point. Monti cap going in Friday and only one LPS in the tank.


I use Kent Tech - I. I have had very good luck with this product and use it every week at half dose. My Zoa's and other corals love the stuff. It is time released and I can't seem to test for it in the tank. The bottle says that you might not be able to see it on a test. Everything is much more opened and growing fast with its use. Good luck.


so corals use it to grow? To enhance color? I want to know WHY you put it in.
They love the stuff? They can't eat it. They absorb it correct?
Does it affect other things? Can you over dose? Mainly for softies, all corals?
If someone has a good article, please send the link. Archive search has been fruitless.


iodine is a trace element used by pretty much everything. your salt mix should have enogh of it to cover you needs, unless you have many large leather corals. as for overdosing, don't add anything you don't test for. if you are low, add some.