Originally Posted by Cranberry http:///forum/post/3246931
What's your sign-in? I'm ReneeNICU!
I do have a game going on with you =) My screen name is (flower)Lauren(flower).
I take a little longer to respond back because it's on my bf's phone.
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO http:///forum/post/3246929
Pandora radio is by far the most used app on my i phone. Followed by Facebook and the MMA underground.
Yes!! Pandora is really good!
Originally Posted by Cranberry http:///forum/post/3246931
What's your sign-in? I'm ReneeNICU!
I just started a game with you. I'm ruben the incredible.
If you use any seachem products I'd get dose. It's a nice little app that will tell you how much of any given sechem product to add in order to maintain a specific rating. I use there calcium and reef buffer. You type in what your current reading is and tank volume and presto it tells you how much to add. The catch is it only works with seachem product line.
Originally Posted by Cranberry http:///forum/post/3246973
I didn't know that was you! How did you get the flowers?
I think it's called emojicons. it's a free app.
I frightened a nurse last night with a crying baby app. She's a newer nurse and had the new intubated baby. I laid it next to her bedside and snuck away. She almost had a heart attack when she heard the cries coming from the isolette.... a crying intubated baby is... well.... an extubated baby.
Originally Posted by Cranberry http:///forum/post/3247079
I frightened a nurse last night with a crying baby app. She's a newer nurse and had the new intubated baby. I laid it next to her bedside and snuck away. She almost had a heart attack when she heard the cries coming from the isolette.... a crying intubated baby is... well.... an extubated baby.
Thats just mean!
She shouldn't have walked away from her bedside when her baby was alarming... she learned a lesson.
I love my new nurses. They are breath of fresh air. I probably could have killed off a few of the old farts by doing that to them.... Hmmmmmmm....