

Active Member
Anyone have one? Do you like it? How much did you pay? Anyone know of any sites selling it for around $200?


Active Member
i was looking into one but the service sucks any how. verizon is making a run off of them with their survice. but also my buddy said that it cost extra to check email and is billed per email and that surfing the web is costly as well
how true the bill issue is? im not sure but the verizon making a run off is indeed comming. they showd some pics of it on the site if you care to check it out


Active Member
I use AT&T now and they have good service in my area at least.
Do you know if you can use wireless networks to browse the internet rather than the phone provider?


Well first off, I have the iPhone my hubby has verizon, and when we talk to each ther and the call drops, it's HIS phone. My service is awesome!
That phone bill with the 300 pages is if you go out of the country, then your data is individually listed because that's not covered in your unlimited data plan.
My bill is 2 pages.
and for data it simply says how many kb I used.
I love this phone, er well, this software.
I can email, (recieve or send) whenever I want.
It keeps a log of all the texts til you delete them and OMG it has encorporated google's map system.
I gotta tell you,
My brother calls me the other night, he lives in charleston. He says "I'm drunk, I'm on E. Bay st, how do I get to Kings."
-He was walking
Took me two seconds to feel like I was a friggin onstar agent.
No complaints from me and I already have one.
The only two things I found that it would not do, and this matters to some people is...
You can not take a pic then send it to another phone. You can email the pic to another iphone or computer, but you cant send a pic to say a verizon phone.
and if you have like 1500 contacts, like my hubby, and you need one but cannot remember their name, for example, 'I know they wrk at University hispital, but I can't remember their name"...on his phone (treo) he can put in University hospital and it will list all the contacts, mine does not do that. If you don't know their name, and you didn't put them in a specific group (cause you can make groups), then you can't pull them up.
Did I mention that I love the phone.
They just sent out an upgrade, now I can purchase music via itunes from my phone wherever I have a wi-fi connection.
Jeez, you got me talking.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I use AT&T now and they have good service in my area at least.
Do you know if you can use wireless networks to browse the internet rather than the phone provider?
For me I pay 20 bucks for their data service called Egde, which is dial up slow.
But if there is wi-fi in the area, the phone will automatically piggyback and your net is high speed fast.
T read these forums all the time with edge, so it's not always that slow, but in some areas away from the big city it's pretty slow.
But if I walk into a starbucks (for example) the phone automatically switches over to that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
You can not take a pic then send it to another phone. You can email the pic to another iphone or computer, but you cant send a pic to say a verizon phone.
hmm, with verizon you can send emails to your phone, like @ 330417****@vzwpix.com or something like that. like i can send pictures from my computer to my phone. if you can send emails from your phone, i wonder if you could send pictures to verizon phones like this. it arrives as a picture message.
(the *'s are my phone #, not the address. i dont want people calling me.


Is said "Unable to verify SSL server mail.mac.com"
Then it said,
an ssl error occured while trying to read data from the server. Verify that this server suppoerts ssl.


I bought my wife one a few months back and she loves it. I'm actually thinking of getting one also. Thay are so handy it's not even believable. The google maps alone has helped us dozens of times.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I found a hack online that lets you create ringtones from your music without logging into itunes. Don't pay those crooks 99 cents to use a song you already paid for as a ringtone
The songs I already paid for automatically show up as ringtone options in my itunes library. Not all of them mind you, but the ones that are "availale" as ringtones.


Active Member
iPhone = big hype ...
You watch. It'll be garbage in no time. I've heard alot of bad reviews on the iPhone.


Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
iPhone = big hype ...
You watch. It'll be garbage in no time. I've heard alot of bad reviews on the iPhone.
People said the same thing about the Ipod. Still the best MP3 player available.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
People said the same thing about the Ipod. Still the best MP3 player available.
Not sure that I would agree that it is the best MP3 player available, but if you want any type of accessories you pretty much have to get an iPod since they own the accessory market. Sandisk and Creative make players that are just as good as the iPod.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
Not sure that I would agree that it is the best MP3 player available, but if you want any type of accessories you pretty much have to get an iPod since they own the accessory market. Sandisk and Creative make players that are just as good as the iPod.
But I've heard that they are not as reliable nor as user friendly as the ipod.


Active Member
friend of mine got hers the day after they were released.
i had to set it up for her. you couldnt pay me to use or own one of these.


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
friend of mine got hers the day after they were released.
i had to set it up for her. you couldnt pay me to use or own one of these.
It's ok to admit you can't afford one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
But I've heard that they are not as reliable nor as user friendly as the ipod.
Not true at all. They are just as reliable. The user interface is different, but it would just take a little getting used to. I did a LOT of research before buying my iPod. I truly HATE Apple, but I went with the iPod ONLY because of the amount of accessories available for it