

i have the ipod touch,,,, it is hella sweet,,it has Y FI and is has music, video and to top it all off it is a touch screen,,,, i like it alot,,,,,it is the iphone, but without the phone and navigation and some other stuff


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Awsome. Is it compatible with other IM providers, or is it stand alone?

It's compatible with other im providers.
and I wanna know what you mean about no using bluetooth also, cause...I use it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What do you mean not able to use bluetooth?
The only thing you can use the bluetooth for on the iphone is to use a headset :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
The only thing you can use the bluetooth for on the iphone is to use a headset :(
oh, yeah, Verizon got in some legal trouble because some of their older phones were like that, they disabled the phone's bluetooth.


What else is there?? I mean, I know about a mouse but as far as the phone where would you wanna use bluetooth??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
What else is there?? I mean, I know about a mouse but as far as the phone where would you wanna use bluetooth??
You can actually do alot, stream your music via blue tooth to a set of head phones, I forgot that didn't have have that. You can transfer data, such as document, ring tones, videos, and music. You can actually set your computer where it will sync a phone to the computer, whenever you get within range. So you walk into your office, your phone syncs your outlook schedule and you walk out without ever taking the phone out of your pocket.


Active Member
i use bluetooth on my verizon lg8300 to put my own ring tones, contacts, pix, on and off the phone.
most cell phone companies really dont like that.
and i am heavily biased against apple. this is due the fact that i have had 3 ipods all suffer from hard drive failure. 2 were in the same year.
apple pretty much told me after the 2nd one "sux to be you"
my 3rd and current one works only when it wants to.
i wont upgrade to a new one out of principle.
as for the phone, it does have cool features, but that glass panel on the front is just asking to land face down on the sidewalk. having the entire phone being a video screen and an ipod will eat up the life cycle of that battery sooner than you think.
couple that with the exclusivity with At&t, and i'll say that the phone is not for me.


Active Member
so is the cost for using the net/email/etc $20 a month? is it really worth it for someone who doesnt do a lot of emailing etc from the phone?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
so is the cost for using the net/email/etc $20 a month? is it really worth it for someone who doesnt do a lot of emailing etc from the phone?
It can be, since alot of the software downloads data. But either way you have to, most stores will not activate the phone without that package. And simply downloading 2 mega bytes will eat up those twenty dollars.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i use bluetooth on my verizon lg8300 to put my own ring tones, contacts, pix, on and off the phone.
most cell phone companies really dont like that.
Their older phones couldn't do it. They ended up loosing a few lawsuits so they expanded the capability of the phones. Like if you bought a motorola V-710 they would have let you out of your contract if you complained about the bluetooth. It was simply because they wanted to make that money. That is why I say they will nickle and dime you.
The hold up was with Bluetooth Capable and not saying bluetooth headset Capable. The glory of fine print! You should read that in your phone contract. It will make you wonder. They truely are crooks.


I forgot about the glass front being all sensative...oops, I dropped my phone on concrete 3 times and on grass about 3 times. I dropped it on tile countless times. The corners are all nicked but the face never broke, thank goodness.
I didn't know about all that bluetooth stuff.
Finally a new page to follow.


The front is scratch resistant. When I bought my wifes the guy selling it to us picked one up off of the display in the apple store and took our house key to the screen rubbing back and forth, not one scratch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
The front is scratch resistant. When I bought my wifes the guy selling it to us picked one up off of the display in the apple store and took our house key to the screen rubbing back and forth, not one scratch.
that is one gutzy sales man.


And it's not HIS phone. Heck, I'd run a key over somebody elses phone, haha. But in all honesty, I don't think a key would scratch any glass. Glass is pretty resistant to scratches anyway. That's why I like a glass tank over acrylic.
But in retrospect, for as many times as I dropped it, I'm glad it didn't flat out break!!


I travel a lot, so I bookmarked a bunch of games for my phone.
When we travel, my girl likes to take pics, my 13 year old likes to IM, and now these games!!
I told the hubby we need more iphones.
But he went and got a blackberry. MIne is so much cooler though.
(he got the blackberry because of that contact limitation I mentioned earlier)
BUt it's cool, we can email each other with IM timing. and save on texts.