Is 2 week QT enough for mandarin?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
With all due respect to Beth we are not looking for the best nutrition what we are looking for is feeding. Any food intake is better then none or partial please try live brine.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Oh and just for my own info when it comes to contagious parasites are we looking for pretty sure or a sure thing


Staff member
The mandarin is actually eating now that he is in the DT, so that's not an issue. jshepherd is putting extra pods in the tank to supplement what is already in there.
2 weeks, along with the mandarin's natural immunity to surface parasites is pretty good in my book. This fish would not have survived another week in QT, from the looks of him.
It comes down to personal choice. I would not recommend that someone do something that I wouldn't do, and if it were my mandarin, I'd do what jshap did.
Keep us posted, jshap!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Beth
The mandarin is actually eating now that he is in the DT, so that's not an issue. jshepherd is putting extra pods in the tank to supplement what is already in there.
2 weeks, along with the mandarin's natural immunity to surface parasites is pretty good in my book. This fish would not have survived another week in QT, from the looks of him.
It comes down to personal choice. I would not recommend that someone do something that I wouldn't do, and if it were my mandarin, I'd do what jshap did.
Keep us posted, jshap!
Beth I fully understand what you are saying. My concern though is for new people in the hobby who take your advice about QT in your Thread on the subject which I Quote. QT/HT, What is it and why should I do it? “
A quarantine tank is an isolated holding tank where newly acquired fish are “quarantined” for a period of time—minimally 3 weeks. It is used to observe new fish for health and potential diseases. QTs facilitate easy treatment of recently acquired specimens if disease is present or arise during the QT process. But, most significantly, it prevents fish disease contamination of healthy fish in your main tank by not exposing healthy fish to incoming fish who may be carrying diseases.” And then thinking well if my fish is not eating well after two weeks, looks malnurished and looks like it will not make it through the third I should put it in my DT. Becauce that is what Beth said to do .IMO the good of one fish does not out way the risk of infecting the other inhabitants of my tank.
I say this with all due respect and knowing how people on the boards follow your advice to the letter