Is 300 watts of PC enough for,,,


Active Member
is 300 watt of power compact enough for a toadstool leather
,open brain,ricordia,plate coral,shrooms, colt coral, polyps, and some LPS corals.
the farthest coral from the lights is the brain which is 16 inches from the light. very deep sand bed
everything else is about 8 inches or closer.(midtank)
ther are shrooms random throughout the tank. bright color ricordias are near the top.
the tank is a 65 recently converted from fowlr to reef about 8 months ago.
Shrooms, polyps colt and the open brain shuold all do fine. Im not so sure about leathers. Id say most LPS would do fine under that light as long as you maintain good calcium levels.


That should be plenty of lighting for just about everything you have listed....I have a 72 bowfront with 260 watts and have had really good success with all that you have mentioned....I will show you a couple of pics of my tank....HTH