Is 6.5 watts per gallon too much light?


Active Member
I'm in the process of making my own hood w/ 175w MH @5500K and 2x55w PC lights @7100K, which is a total of 285w for a 29 gallon tank; almost 10w/gal!

pa reef pig

ive seen 2-400 watt MH and 2-110 VHO on a 75g before. 13.6 wpg!

richard rendos

Active Member
I have 2 X250 MH + 4 X 110 watt VHO over my 120.
I have 1 X 175 watt MH + 2 X 36 watt PC over a 30 gallon.
One of my friends has 2 X 175 watt MH + 4 X 110 watt VHO over a 75 gallon.


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
Watts per gallon really don't mean anything. You could have 5x40 watt NO's and wouldn't have the same quality of light from a single 175 watt MH

What he said
BTW I have 8.6 W/G. I don't think anyone can have enough light, there is no way we can match the intensity of the sun...end of story. Having said that, it all depends on what you want to keep.


Rough measurements....
15" wide x 17" height x 24" length
So what can I stuff in there? I am going to have good 'ol dad help me build a canopy that is about 18" tall...


someone please explain this Watts Per Gallon to me. i have a regular 55 gal tank with 4 110 watt VHO, that would make me having 8 watts per gallon, BUT i don't have 55 gallons of water in my tank. honestly, i've never dumped all the water out and refilled to measure
is there a formula usable for water displacement due to LR, LS, etc.???
honestly, i just don't know about that "watts/gallon" theory......
IMO ;)


Active Member
the "Watts per gallon" theroy is rocket science. It is just a way to approximate how much light you have in your tank. So weather you have a 55 with 70lbs of live rock or just 10 lbs the light intensity will be the same ant the same depths in the tank.


Member you're saying if I have a 100 gal tank w/100 lbs of LR & LS that will displace say 20 gal of water (just an example not a accur #) leave a total volume of 80gal would be the same watts per gal as 100??
Instead of visualizing it as watts per gallon try visualizing it as 1 MH light for every 2 feet of tank. Now the watts of the MH light would be depending on the "depth" of the tank. Now my tank is a 120 gallon tank. The tank is the same length of a 55 gallon which is 48" long but its 24" wide and i think 24" deep. Something close to that, but anyway, i have 2mh lights on it @ 250w each. Only because of the tank depth, are the lights 250 watts, also there are 55watt pc's on them also but only for the actinics, thats it, no other reason. You can have 6, 110w VHO's on your tank on a 100 gallon tank which would be 6.6 watts per gallon, but the light thats being generated from your lights would only benifit the "upper" part of your tank or the corals near the top most of the tank closest to the lights. Reason being that the VHO's cannot "push" the light down to the bottom of the tank the way MH lights would. So try not to take the watts per gallon theory to heart just try to figure out the best way to present your light to the corals in your tank. All of this lighting is also depending on the corals in your tank. Hell you can get mushrooms to stay alive with just regular NO bulbs. Its all about placing the light at the desired levels to the coral.
Almost forgot that I only use Metal Halide lights. IF you cannot afford metal halide lights for your reef tank, do not bother putting stuff in there that has a high light requirement. If your serious about a reef tank with funky lookin stuff in it such as clams and sps corals, dont even bother playing with VHO lights, go straight to MH lights and then you never have to worry about the lighting in the tank again.
Almost forgot to mention if your looking for a good MH retro fit system goto ---- and look for lighting systems sold by Optilux. One of the best people i have EVER dealt with in my time in a reef tank.


I use Lancaster alot, I haven't been to Tony's yet. There is a small place in Mechanicsburg called The Salt Box you might want to check out. I get most of my corals from there.