Is 800watts of Halide, and 80 Normal flourescent too much for a 90 gallon?


If I got two 250 M/H for my 85 gallon can I ditch my JBJ 220 watt fixture? I'm so confused with metal halide....


Active Member
I really dont thin the intesnity of the light wil have an affect on any fish, unless they are very deep water fish, or otherwaise sensitive to light. As for the algae growth, you can have an outbreak with the littlest amount of light, as well as a very intense system, theres more to an algae bloom than light, you have to consider nutrient levels, spectrum of light, ect.
Lerch, You can dith your pcs, but youll want something to run actinics like a pair of PCs or VHOs, unless you plan to run a bulb with a high kelvin temp, then you can just run the MH if you wish. HTH


Upgradin to a 75g guess im gunna need allot more light then i thought.... GREAT! ::duck:: I have a 175 MH an was gunna purchase 2 VHO's ::ponders:: guess thats a bad idea eh? :eek:


Active Member
Reef, your lighting should be based on the corals you plan to keep, a pair of vhos and 175 MHs will allow you to keep a variety of coral, there is such a thing as too much light, ie some corals cannot tolerate extremely intense lighting like 400 MH. HTH


Active Member
np, I've been looking at a dual pfo 400watt ballast with two 10k ushio bulbs now...for $50 cheaper then the iwasaki setup....think it would be a better bet?