is 95w too much for a 10g nano tank?


New Member
I want to start a 10g nano reef I saw a nice 20inch 96w pc hood w/ 2 fans for $120 at the lfs. Does anyone think it is too much light? I dont expect to house any clams but will have alot of lil frags. Can any one help thanx.

blenny dude

i agree, that is a good amount of light. i have a 10 gallon tank with the 96w quad, i have sps and and 2 clams. everything thrives in the tnk.


New Member
thanx guys ya its a quad. is it new ive never seen or heard of it, another quick question should i have it off the tank or directly on the tank. I'm thinking off the tank. what kind of filtration do you have on your and do you have any pic. Sorry for somany questions I tank you for all your help and i will keep you posted.
tanks andy


u should do water changes on all tanks to keep the water good. that lite sounds like a good deal

blenny dude

i don't have a pic of my tank i don't have a camera. as for water changes i keep nautilus in my 10 gallon sump and do annual bi-weekly water changes. make sure that you check the levels in the tank.
also with that much power on a 10 galln keep the lights farther off, i keep them 6 inches from the water