Is a 400 watt metal halide too much for a 36 gallon tank?


Active Member
You might have some major heat issues. If you are going to go SPS corals I would go ahead and do it, but for just softies I would keep the 175watter. Maybe a 250 watt hqi would be in you best intrest a median of the two.


The general rule for lighting is 5 watts per gallon. I would say 400 watts is too much for a 36gallon tank. You would save money if you cut back the wattage (less electricity is being used); however, if you are planning to upgrade one day, you just may need 400 watts for your new tank, it's your call!:yes:


I run a 250 HQI on my 29 about a foot above the water, I dont have heat problems and the light permiates everywhere effectively. This would probably be a good choice for yours as well. You should be able to keep most corals under this intensity.


Active Member

Originally posted by chamic1
The general rule for lighting is 5 watts per gallon.

Just as an FYI . . . watts per gallon is 100% useless and perhaps the worst "guide" to lighting available . . . .


007- The 5 watts/gallon is a guideline I'v read about. So if it is not the best guide, what do you recommend?