I love the looks and activness of 6-lines and really want to get one. I have 20 lbs of live rock in the tank, if that matters. I also have a Pajama Cardinal in the tank. If I got the 6-line it would be my last fish for the tank. Any thoughts?
They are small, but yeah, they are VERY active swimmers. It MIGHT do okay, but it will probably be swimming in constant circles.
Your tank looks great by the way.
So I referenced another website above which says that the minimum tank size for a Sixline Wrasse is 30g. I am looking now at the book "Marine Fishes" by Scott W. Michael which says that the minimum tank size is 20g. Your tank is smaller than either.
My Sixline is the most active fish in my tank. He swims all over the place, in and through the live rock and around all of the nooks and crannies.
Another note is that these fish grow to 3 inches per the above referenced book.
Lots of different Gobies will work in a 13g such as Neon Goby, Yellow Clown Goby & Yellow Watchman Goby. Additionally a Firefish or a Purple Firefish would be a great fish for a 13g.
BTW, tank looks great!