is a fat tang a healthy tang?


Active Member
so tonight at dinner time for the fish i noticed the yellow tang has quite the belly on him
butttt it strting to loose color its getting so big. it almost a chrome yellow color. :notsure:
well also it has these little chuncks in it like a half bubble shape. thry arent the size of a bubble but defenity not as round but flatter.
so what your oppinion i am feeding algea clips every few days and feeding mysis/flake everyday at 8 pm. i feed them till they looe intrest in the food.. .well the tang anyways cus he eats like a beast and my clown waddles so to speak when he swims after he eats then byt the next day the clowns marble shaped belly is flat.? :notsure: :notsure:
the chromis and watchman dont eat much butt hey get some i try to get them some but the only way is to fill the other guys up first .. then they stuff themselves

thanx 4 your time
have a good rest of your day/night
btw anyone see the x games sno-x final (hibert is a beast ) things for arctic cat are looking up this year, :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkid2
Tangs bellies get like that when they eat seaweed.
is this good or bad?


Active Member
fine as long as its from vegetation. they should be crapping it out as much as they are taking it in. If anything I'd cut back on the mysis. I feed seaweed sheet daily (2"x3", two tangs and the puffer and clean up crew eats it two). I only feed meaty daily because of the puffer but the tangs prefer the algae (I rubberband a small krill and the sheet on a peace of dead coral skeleton. puffer sometimes prefers the seaweed too).


Active Member
Ya, you are backward on your feeding. Seaweed sheets HAVE to be the main course EVERY day and the others you mentioned should only be offered everyother day and only in moderation. Only feed what they can consume in 2-3 minutes. DO NOT feed them until they lose interest. They will die a young age. IMO.


Active Member
the only thing is tht the clips last a few minutes.. the yt goes wild on them lol he bites it off the clip like a dog playing tug of war shaking his head back and forth.. after a few times. the sheet is floating around the tank.. he then dosent have intrest cus he cant get a little. i put it on and i aa few its off
so shoudl i make sure tht there is alea sheets on the clip 24/7 and feed what?
the mysis little only everyday and flake?
is there something i can do lso the mysis and algea clips are are combined?
would it work if i let the mysis almost thaw then crush up some algea sheets then mix it in with the mysis then refreez it?
any oppinions :happyfish


Active Member
btw they are giving off muc more algea (the same way it looks when it goes in) then mysis. some times it mixes in them..

sorry i keep thinking of things they eat
when i target feed my mushrooms they eat the remainder phyto plankton


Active Member
my tang would eat it in 2 minutes too on a clip. thats why I rubberband a large sheet on a 3" piece of rubble. Last half a day that way. If I do it so they cant break large pieces off at once which they will so I band it tightly. they have to work for it lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
my tang would eat it in 2 minutes too on a clip. thats why I rubberband a large sheet on a 3" piece of rubble. Last half a day that way. If I do it so they cant break large pieces off at once which they will so I band it tightly. they have to work for it lol.
so take a piece of lr and put a pice of algea sheet on it and rubberband it at each end?
if this is correct then ill put it on a few piecs of on a few pieces of rock around the tank and feed mysis? or mix the agea and mysis like i thought?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
so take a piece of lr and put a pice of algea sheet on it and rubberband it at each end?
if this is correct then ill put it on a few piecs of on a few pieces of rock around the tank and feed mysis? or mix the agea and mysis like i thought?

well I put mine on a piece of dead coral so I'm able to put the rubber band around it several times (3 or 4 times around a 3" long algae sheet). I'll take a pic of it tommorow. I put a whole krill (about 1") under a band. I never mix the algae with anything. I do this every day in the morning. In the evening its only God's guess what they are going to get (frozen: emerald entree, mussels, squid, marine quizine, vit enriched brine, mysis, grocery store shrimp. For dry ocean nutritions formula one and two pellets, tetra marine pellets). This I just draw up with a syringe and squeeze in the water column. Have no system just grab what ever for evening feeding.


Active Member
i have penty of coral things like you mentioned.. if you could post a pic.. i have 2 knids of frozen. prime reef and frozen freshwater mysis shrimp.
all i usually do like i mentioned was feed a combonation of flake and mysis and make sure ther is a sheet or algea on there almost all the time,
i have read tht it is good to dose the food with vitamin c .. how do i do this?
i am planning on buying a bottle of the kent garlic juice stuff. you just put it into the food and dont have to mess with the real garlic


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
.. if you could post a pic..
I dont soak anything in vitamins (should be in the food
. all of the dry and some of the frozen are vitamin fortified). Here's a pick of my contraption:

and yet they still manage to rip the krill from out the rubberband:

30-xtra high

Active Member
as long as you don't have bloat. "bloat" is a disease in a fish's stomache. it makes them bloat, lol, if you couldn't figure out by the name.


Active Member
Stanlalee said:
I dont soak anything in vitamins (should be in the food
. all of the dry and some of the frozen are vitamin fortified). Here's a pick of my contraption:

what is tht in the pic i see te krill. (btw where do i get those.)
and what is tht big green thing and what is tht drk green square? the algea sheet? if so then whats tht big grren thing its all banded to?
lol im lost in the pic here.