Is a Filter really needed?


I have a 29g tank and I was wondering do I really need a filter? I have a Eclips hood and 3in live sand, 70lb live rock besides running carbon do I really need the Eclips? I would think that the sand and live rock would be enough. What do you all think?


Active Member
Well not many people here are fans of the eclipse hoods but with that aside the answer is YES you can run a tank with no filtration other then water changes, liverock, and live sand.
BUT and there is always a BUT it is only recommended for the most experienced and dedicated hobbyist. Your system has to be in perfect balance. Do a search on this board for filterless systems. There was a good post about it but that was quite some time ago.
I will see if I can find and and post a link. with a smaller tank like yours its even more difficult because somthing can go wrong alot faster then with a bigger tank


Active Member
Well, there are tanks like that, but they are run with powerheads and usually at least a protein skimmer.
Your eclipse, you're right, is doing little except moving water...and giving you a place to put some carbon. Otherwise it ain't worth much. Your biological filtration is your live rock and sand...your mechanical and chemical is in the eclipse. But these can be secondary in many tanks, and may not be necessary.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Well, there are tanks like that, but they are run with powerheads and usually at least a protein skimmer.
Your eclipse, you're right, is doing little except moving water...and giving you a place to put some carbon. Otherwise it ain't worth much. Your biological filtration is your live rock and sand...your mechanical and chemical is in the eclipse. But these can be secondary in many tanks, and may not be necessary.

That is what I was thinking. I have 4 rio 50 and I wanted to yank that out I also have a lifeguard Fluidized Bed Filters so that should be enough. What can I use to run carbon?? by the way I hate the eclips system.