Is a Naso Tang to big for a 85 gallon tank?


I am going to be building a 85 gallon acrylic reef ready tank with dimensions of 48"x20"x20". I would like to keep a couple of percula's a naso tang and a yellow tang. Would this be to much fish for my tank? I will be using a 40 gallon sump/ref. with Live rock and Live Sand in the system.

bang guy

The Yellow Might be OK. No way on the Naso IMO. It's not too many fish, it's just that the Naso requires a lot of swimming space - at least 6 foot but 8 foot is a lot better.
The Naso will probably stress the Yellow to death once it grows up as well.


Thanks Bang Guy. I have read your thread on your 900 gallon lagoon. Simply amazing. What about a hippo tang or a clown tang with the yellow? Would they stress each other out? As a general rule how many gallons per inch of fish per tank?

bang guy

IMO look up the expected adult size of the fish and then it's 1" per 5 gallons of tank capacity.
There are tons of exceptions, ie Tangs require space and Percula Clownfish don't. It's just a guideline, you still need to research every single inhabitant of your tank.