Is a salinity level of 1.013 enoguh to kill the ick ?


I started the water change since a few of my fish have ick on my 150 gallon fish only tank.
I had the original salinity level at 1.016 so I managed to get it down to 1.013 with a 25 gallon water change.,
Before I do another 25 gallon change would this level of 1.013 be enough to kill off the ick or am I borderline and need to definitely lower the level.
In the past on my other tank I had lowered it to 1.012 for 1 week and the ick has never reappeared ...


thanks for the link & advice ...
Many months ago, both my friend and I had ick in our tanks and we had gotten advice from an Aquarium maintenace guy to lower our salinity to 1.012 for 1 week then slowly bring it up afterwards.
He nor I got ick again and to this day both tanks are up and running so I am thinking that I know the advice is to do it for one month but this seemed to have worked very well to do it for 1 week.