Originally Posted by Reefer4Life
I just purchased a Serpant Starfish, along with several other items through saltwaterfish.com, and I have now come accross several forums in which people have had serpants go "bad". They turn predetory and eat your fish and corals. Is this what others have found? I thought these were supposed to be excellent additions to the reef tank. I know that in some of those cases, they were talking about a Green Serpant Star, whereas mine is going to be the White with Black Serpant. Any ideas on this subject?
I have 2 of the exact ones your talking about from this website. I will be very suprised if they give you any trouble. One of mine crawled into the watchmans burrow (and though I will admit I was uneasy about it) and all ended well. The green ones are much more aggressive and can hunt fish. I had one of those waaay back in the day and although he never attacked a fish or coral, he was a aggressive eater at feeding time and knocked rocks around and what not.
Long story short, in my experience the black serpeants they sell here are really safe and nice additions.