Is a standard tank possible?


New Member
I've noticed when you guys get advanced in the hobby you add lots of things to your tanks. My question is, just starting out can I use my 12 gallon nano( with just the lights and what it came with) and have a succesful tank. I do not have alot of money to invest except slowly over time. In fact just by purchasing the tank, I won't get to add sand or rock and start it until Christmas! Also, how exactly does the floating/sinking algea cleaner work, or does it? Thanks in advance, Jeff.


No it is posible. Right now I have a 10 gallon tank. All I have is a heater, power compact lighting and a Aqua Clear that I converted into a mini fuge. I've only spent like $30 on it cause I had everything and the $30 has gone to LR rubble, sand, corals, Chaeto. You can make your own LR/LS to save a ton of $$$. But ya for corals you will need a better lighting.


Active Member
If your 12 gal. nano has stock lighting (2 x 24 watts of power compacts) it will support any softies, leathers, and most LPS corals with no problem.


Active Member
It is possible. Just be sure to invest what you can in good filtration (or good planning for filtration). The one piece I would be sure to have is a protein skimmer. But, it is possible to get around that with heavy water changes and possibly with some macro algae, preferably in a fuge of some sort.
I think you are asking about mag floats for cleaning the glass. They work pretty well for the stuff that isn't too thick yet. There are two pieces, one on the outside of the tank and one on the inside. A magnet holds them together and allows you to move the piece on the outside without getting your hands wet. Sometimes the magnetic bond will break from you going to fast or something. That is why they float. Otherwise when the bond breaks the inner piece could land on a coral or something and hurt it.


New Member
Thanks for the input guys. My tank came with 2 X 18 Watt bulbs, and a kind of cheap top resting protein skimmer. So the algea magnets really work huh? Thanks again. Jeff

cwazy clow

yea ur lighting is deffinitly not enough...can u take a pic of the "top resting protein skimmer" ?? haha i've never herd of anythign liek that..haha