is all RO/DI the same?


Active Member
I know that's a dumb question to ask, I should know better, but.....
With the exception of gallons-per-day, what is the difference in OUTPUT of the $80 RO/DIs on ---- and the $300 in my LFS?
In other words, I don't want to have to upgrade in two months.
I've kept tanks for years and should know this stuff, but haven't gotten one before. And since I'm travelling so much lately and can't do as much maintenance, I really need better water quality.
Thanks guys.


I have one of the 80$ from ---- and it's fine. "110gpd" and my output is about 5gal in 1hr, 20min. Tastes pretty damn clean to me. But hey, I'm no TDS meter.


Active Member
Some of the price difference may be the number of filters or "stages" the system the number of input filters, membranes and output filters/DI cartridge...
Some may just be standard LFS "markup" (why does the same make and brand light bulb cost $90 at the LFS and $45 from an on-line distributor ?)
As long as your comparing apples to apples (stages)....go with the less expensive unit...


the price difference is because the company that makes the one on ---- is new to them and cant sell them for as much as the others sell for.


Active Member
So Heres a question to a question,what about the the ro filters you find at like the home depot or sears diferent names and the prices are way cheaper then the lfs,and besides some dont come with a capture tank, and thoes are pretty cheap


Active Member

Originally posted by condork12
ro water is pretty much ro water.

I disagree. Thats just like saying a skimmer is a skimmer. All skimmers function pretty much the same way but there are definite differences in quality. Same for RO units.


i disagree with your disagreement. lol. there is no such thing as perfect water. everything* cant be taken out of the water. the difernces in the ro filtered water between a $300 ro machine and a $100 are way to miniscule to make any differnce in an aquarium. A skimmer is a much different thing and cant be compared to a ro unit. there is to much

on skimmers that can suck on them and tons of stuff that can be great on them. and all skimmers do not function in the same way at all there are tons of differnet styles of skimmers.


Active Member
now the only problem is where to set up my RO/DI system. Roomie has a PUR on the kitcen faucet, bathtub faucet doesnt have a screw cap or aerator, and there's no hose in my condo.
Then I need to find a way to put a collection tub on it.:rolleyes:


Active Member
Under the kitchen sink...
Tap into the cold water supply and the sink drain after the "J" pipe...
You can roll out 30' of 1/4" tubing and put the collection tub any where you want...


Active Member
Yeah, but i'm not exactly the most handy man in the world when it comes to plumbing.
Plumbing, electricity, cars, NO.
Wood, plastic, and creativity (I made quite a few unique nano tanks out of various objects), YES. :yes:


Active Member
The cheaper units use cheaper membranes and cartridges. A GOOD 100 gpd RO memebrane will cost about 80.00