is an RS5-3 too much for a 55g tank?


New Member
I'm in the market for a skimmer and would like to get something that I can use in a larger tank sometime in the future. That said, I think the RS5-3 or CS5-3 (rated for 90g tanks) are the ones that I'm eyeing. I've seen some posts about "overskimming" and wonder if this will be the case if I go with this model?
One other thing, is there a difference in the RS and CS models? From what I've seen it appears the RS is simply the newer model, but I could very easily be wrong.
Thanks a ton.


Active Member
I dont think it would hurt. When you buy stuff like filters you want them to be over kill so it will work better. My skimmer is rated for 180 gallon tank but it is on a 55.


New Member
whoa...that's substantially more than I'd have on my 55 so it seems like I should go ahead with that route.
Thanks a ton for the help.


Active Member
Well it really isnt to bad. Infact I like the powerhead that was on it so mutch I ordered 2 more from the guy and have them in my tank lol. I figured out what im fighting also. Cyano bacter "not enough current at 25.9X turnover lol. And I do have alittle hair algae but its not really spreading just one spot.


Active Member
The Euro Reef 5-3 is about the perfect sized skimmer for a 55; I personally think that the 90g rating is a little ambitious.
Regarding overskimming: I don't believe it's possible to overskim nutrients out of the water, but that it is possible to pull too many trace elements through skimming. The way around that is to step of the frequency of water changes to replace the trace elements.