Is Anemone OK


I have a BTA in my tank. I've had him for about 3 months. He plays host to a mated pair of Maroon clowns. The anemone has always looked great and extended during the day and a little shriveled at night. Every once in a while I see one of his tentacles loose in the tank, but he seems to be re-growing others. Well, about 5 days ago, it looked as if he had many less tentacles and they were all extremelly short and shaped like how the ends of the tentacles should look (bubble like). The first day I could also see it's mouth in clear view. Well, it's been 5 days and it's still not extending its tentacles out. Can this be normal???


Active Member
doesnt sound normal. question time:
gallons of tank?
water parameters?
flow directly or indirectly at anenome?
age of tank?
other inhabitants?
tonight's winning lotto numbers? (might as well try...)
BTW, when posting a question about an anenome, there ususally is more response in the anenome forum, not the reef forum since they technically are not reef safe.


Originally Posted by renogaw
doesnt sound normal. question time:
gallons of tank?
water parameters?
flow directly or indirectly at anenome?
age of tank?
other inhabitants?
tonight's winning lotto numbers? (might as well try...)
BTW, when posting a question about an anenome, there ususally is more response in the anenome forum, not the reef forum since they technically are not reef safe.
55 gal. tank with 30 gal. fuge/sump
All water levels are good... 0's across the board
flow is just above the anemone, so he gets a little
Tank is a year old
I have many shrimp and hermits, 2 maroon clowns, lawnmower blenny, 2 neon gobies, watchman goby, and coral beauty, and a serpent star
Also lighting is a 4x54W t-5 by current


New Member
is it getting enough food? Sometimes Clowns can over do their love for anemones. Maybe you should place another one in the tank to see if the pair will switch between them and give this one a rest.


Active Member
i have a bta thriving under pc's. (yea yea, while it may work for me... yada yada)
losing the tentacles is a really odd thing. did you add any new corals recently?


Originally Posted by renogaw
i have a bta thriving under pc's. (yea yea, while it may work for me... yada yada)
losing the tentacles is a really odd thing. did you add any new corals recently?
I actually did recently add a hammer coral and a pair of maroon clowns.

tx reef

Active Member
The maroons are likely the culprit. Do you ever see them nipping or sucking the tentacles? If so, they could be pulling them off.....


Originally Posted by TX Reef
The maroons are likely the culprit. Do you ever see them nipping or sucking the tentacles? If so, they could be pulling them off.....
They seem to love the anemone. What should I do, is it hard to get a BTA to host maroons successfully?