Is any ick medicine ok to put in my salt water tank?


Active Member
You need to find out what is causing the ich, otherwise it will never go way. It could be flutuating temperatures, Changes in ph, a new creature added to the tank, or high nitrates tat are stressing your fish. I use greenex in my tank. I find that it helps the ich go away. So try to figure out what is causing the ich, so that you can fix it. Then do a water exchange. Then try the greenex and see if that works.


Active Member

Originally posted by Leopard_babe
You need to find out what is causing the ich, otherwise it will never go way. It could be flutuating temperatures, Changes in ph, a new creature added to the tank, or high nitrates tat are stressing your fish. I use greenex in my tank. I find that it helps the ich go away. So try to figure out what is causing the ich, so that you can fix it. Then do a water exchange. Then try the greenex and see if that works.

Not really true, only one thing causes ich and that is the parasite itself which must be introduced into the tank and without a host will be complely wiped out by the end of a month. While changes in parameters will contribute to the decrease in the immune system of a fish, it will not cause ich in a tank where the parasite is not present. There are only two sure fire ways to kill ich, Hyposalinity and Copper, neither of these two can be used in the presences of inverts. Reef safe medecines have questionable effectiveness. Read the sticky in the Disease/Treatment forum for more info.


I used 'kick ick' in my display tank as I had no way of getting the fish out of there without removing 250 lbs of LR and I had lost a few fish already. My Tang survived the outbreak. So I would certainly use it again....though I would prefer never to encounter Ick in my display again.


Active Member
You are very right. I don't have a qt anymore, so I don't use cooper or hypo. You are right those are the only way to get rid of it. I used greenex to trat my disply tank. However, I found out that I never really had ick, I just had "white spots", from my fish being stressed.
Hiddenicon do what naso said. I am thinking something totally different. I should go to bed and stop giving advice


Active Member
IMO, there are medications that claim to be reef safe but are not and damage many animals and there are medications that claim to be reef safe and are so safe even the ich survives. Adding any kind of "reef safe" ich medication to my display tank would be an ABSOLUTE last choice for me.


Staff member
There are what is referred to as "reef safe" ich medications sold in the hobby. These medications are not reliable. There are mixed reports as to their effectiveness, and more hobbyst seem to claim that they are not effective.


Active Member
Hypo, the best way.
Ick is present in any and every tank. Just because you don't have an outbreak, doesn't mean it's not present.
If you keep healthy conditions and a overall healthy tank, ick will "go away" on it's own. I have seen this first hand, more than once.
IMO, first I would try garlick soaked foods and get the water quality the best you can. I am no fan of meds in a tank unless it's last resort. (some may remember the red bug treatment)
HTH, Dan


Active Member
I agree that ich can be in many tanks without the owner ever knowing and without any significant impact on the fish, however, I don't think I can agree with every tank having ich.