Is ANYONE a lawyer????


Active Member
is anyone a lawyer out there because im about to go punch everyone at this company in the face soon...and i'm trying to figure out if i can take legal action....ay they tick me off....please anyone help! thank you
Luke P


Active Member
well, i have been dealing with an online company that sells cheap airline tickets...and with a lifetime thing you were supposed to get two free ones....i signed up 4 months ago
I got the first package, no tickets...called em, they said theyd resend it.....well waited a week or so, got the package, no tickets i called again, and i told them i just wanted to cancel they told me i had to send the crap i did...but before they canceled and refunded me i got a call and they told me they have been having problems with customer service, and wanted to offer me 4 free tickets, and 25% refund...and so i said ok...well i never even received anything this icall and i give them one last shot to resend it...still havent received about a month ago i called and told them to cancel it and give my refund back.....and so its been a month, which is how long they said it would take, but i called them yesterday, and they said theyd take my info and leave it with her supervisor....and that she would call me today....well i got a call from them, but it was a stupid sales rep, and it was the most unprofessional call gf picked up and just says hello? and my gf talks a bit, confused on who it is, and he said what are you doing tonight....and gf is uhh, then he goes on and says do you fly alot, and she says no, and he says well why did you call cheaptrips, so she finally realizes who it is and hands it to me, and he doesn the same thing to me almost..except he didnt ask what i was doing i tell him no, i called to get my refund....and after a while we finally get off the phone. but i tried calling back to get his rep number because i wanted to report him because well, i didnt think that he handled his calling very well, and so wehn i called back i talked to another real jerk of a guy who was not was very pushy and nosey about every little detail...and all i wanted was to talk to the supervisor, well finally i forget it and get to the people i really need to talk to about the refund, and now i have to wait again till tomorrow...but its been so long, 4 months and havent received a thing...and i want to call them and say hey if i dont receive this soon i'm gonna take some legal action, but didnt know if iu was able to...any help??


Active Member
Online companies are VERY difficult to deal with when you don't get satisfactory service.
I am NOT an attorney but have been through similar situations.
What I have learned to do, is spend the day literally calling and climbing up the food chain, working your way from customer service representative, to supervisor, to manager to owner and explain the problems. DOCUMENT everything your spoke about, who you spoke to as well as the date and time. Offer your name first and before you tell them the problem, get their name and their title within the organization. If they can't or won't give their last name, companies that are publically traded will assign an ID number and ask for that.
As a last resort, if the company is
a publically traded company (you can find out on the internet) one of the best ways to get resolution is to go to investor relations and call them. Speak professionally and don't get whiny, loud or obnoxious. Explain to them the problem and that if there is no resolution you will have no choice but to go to the next shareholders meeting whereever it is held. After other shareholders hear how a fellow shareholder was treated, it might explain why this stock isn't doing as well as it could be.
Before you try this, you better know how the stock is doing and what kind of news was let out about the company so your credibility isn't compromised. It also helps is you can read the reports and understand the meaning behind the numbers.
If the company numbers and charts look good, tell investor relations you are considering investing in the company now that you see how well they are doing because you have been forced to research your company that you never considered investing in to begin with, but you have this problem and need resolution before you will consider buying any shares.
If the company is a privately held company, the best way to the owner is through the gatekeeper - translation here - the secretary. Be nice, be polite, never curse and by all means never call the business a shoddy one. Explain the problem and tell the assistant the problem and who you went to and what was said by each person. Follow up with a fax (call later on in the day to get the fax number to THAT SPECIFIC OFFICE), reiterating the problem and that if no resolution is found, you have no choice but to seek out legal counsel and will not only ask for what you deserve but forward all this to the State Attorney General's Office (find out who the state attorney general is) for handling and possible fraudulent business practices.
Needless to say, this is a process that takes time and work on your part. You can't fly off the handle and you can't show how p#-!% off you are, but you can show determination and the determination will generally prove to an owner you are serious and a resolution can be found.
I hope this helps you out. Let me know how it goes.
Denise M.

darth tang

Active Member
Call the Better Business Burea.
I double check all businesses I deal on their website just to make sure they haven't had any complaints of a serious nature against them. I bet you company is on their watch out for list.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Call the Better Business Burea.
I double check all businesses I deal on their website just to make sure they haven't had any complaints of a serious nature against them. I bet you company is on their watch out for list.
Folks, the Better Business Bureau is a JOKE! Businesses PAY to be a member.
It doesn't run itself for free. Being a "member in good standing" means nothing more than I paid my dues and any investigation performed can still go unaswered. The business may lose its "good standing" seal, but do you really think they are going to care?
Threatening to turn them in for fraud is a far better way to go than to play with the BBB.
Denise M.


Active Member
ok, i hate this place....yesterday i was given a number, to the corporate offive i believe to ask them about my refund and their i call them and all i get is a then i call back today and still a machine, so i call the customer service again and they say i should call the refund i get transfered there, and i tell them whats goin on, and they say i have to SEND something in now to request a return.....ive been told for a month plus now that i just call and it will be taken care of, and JUST now they tell me to send a paper in?!?!?!those pieces of crap....they took my info and supposidly theyre gonna call me....HA! stupid stupid stupid

:mad: :mad:
Luke P


I don’t mean to sound like an

, but how did you pay for this?? With most online companies you have to give them a CC number. Just call your CC company and report it, they should remove it, investigate it, and that would be it!! It would save you some time at least!!! And if you didn’t pay with a CC, it is a hard lesson learned..... Think about it this way, take what you make an hour, times it by the number of hours that you have been dealing with this, and see if it is worth the pursuit.....


Active Member

Originally Posted by Takia
IJust call your CC company and report it, they should remove it, investigate it, and that would be it!! It would save you some time at least!!! And if you didn’t pay with a CC, it is a hard lesson learned..... Think about it this way, take what you make an hour, times it by the number of hours that you have been dealing with this, and see if it is worth the pursuit.....
If it was an ATM card with a Mastercard or Visa logo on it, you don't get ANY
of the guarantees that a typical credit card gives - at least none of my banks offer any guarantees. Plus, you can't go back and tell the company goods and services were not received to dispute the bill. I assumed this person used an ATM card with a Visa or Mastercard logo in it. You are correct though, if it was a credit card the problem is easily solved.
However, there are many fly by travel agencies online that are actually using in state numbers but are in reality located outside of the United States. If they are located outside of the United States - this is definitely going to be a losing battle and he should chalk it up to a loss.
It may be a hard lesson someone here will learn, but there is also the principle of the issue. Why should they get they profit without delivering the goods? Yes, it is time consuming and it probably will cost more in time to get his money back - but he can't chalk it up to bad debt and write it off on his taxes like a business can if you write them a bad check and the business can't collect on it.
Denise M.
Business Owner, Stocktrader, Corvette Enthusiast, & 80's Hair Band Groupie :joy:


Active Member
it was a debit yea...and i dont like to give in to people who jerk me around and dont deliever their product as they should. It may take time to call, but i'm not gonna just give the money to them that they dont deserve. when you're a college student, you need all you can get, lol. and their corporate office is in NJ. either way a lesson is learned, but its not goin to be at the expense of my they better fork it over, lol
Luke P


im no lawyer either.... but i saved a ton of money on my car insurance by visiting


Active Member
lol, tanks for your advice bigarn,tyedyed1 and symon...of course i did NOT get a call back from them like they said....the wrath is gonna come down on them real soon
:mad: :mad: :mad:


call the Attorney General..... tell them what is going on............. you many not be the only one. I wish people would speak up to them..... They get one complaint about a company. then several months later they get several other phone calls about this company. Then they will take action. I am sure you are not the only one they are jerking around.......


If is carries a Master Card, Visa, Am Ex logo, etc...... You have the same rights to dispute... That is a program that the company enforces... If not, you need a new bank after you clear this up.