Is anyone familiar with the grounding probe from Ultra Life-?



Hey guys ! Hope all is well. I just got a grounding probe for my 220. I took the cover out of my outlet, and attached the probe to the top screw holding the outlet to the wall. Next, I inserted the probe to the display tank. It says on the instructions- "Never allow suction cup or transition joint to become submersed in water". My problem is, that I have the entire probe in the water, suction cup and all. I can't have it sitting on the top edge of the tank, because the top of the tank has a lip on it. I was wondering if I am ok leaving it like that -? Or should I move the probe to my 55 gallon sump, where I can have the suction cup and transition joint above the water level.
Andhelp would be great, thanks !


I do not know what brand mine is, but I have it sitting thru the eggcrate to keep the top out of the water like it says.
I kinda figure they must state to keep that section out of water for a reason