Is anyone sick of me??????


I was just wondering if anyone was sick of me asking so many questions and not really replying to anyone else. If so I am sorry, I am just new to thisw hobby and I egearly seek information. I will try to reply more to others questions :)


Active Member
NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep on asking, i would rather(as most of us would)offer my experiences for you to review, instead of see you make alot fo deadly decisions, i love this hobby and our little buddies(aquarium life forms), believe me we have all(at least the majority of us) had our problems, mostly due to bad advice and or assumptions and would rather help you to correct some and avoid some,
BESIDES,you keep me company at night LOL


Active Member
definitely keep asking questions. no one will care if you don't know an answer to someone else's question.
no! sometimes your questions and those of others help the rest of us get vital info that we never would have thought of. :)


Here's my 2 cents on this topic. Unlike other boards in other hobbies, this board and its members do not care if you answer other people's questions before they will answer your questions. This board, in my experience, is set up to help people with questions and is moderated and alot of times answered by "sharks", sharks being those individuals that have had a whole lot more SW experience than us newbies. Other non-"sharks" also have responses that are helpful and these non-sharks also have alot more experience than us newbies.
I have been reading alot of questions and responses and have been able see some good responses from both sharks and non sharks. I would recommend do this also so that you can see who is giving solid advise with experience. Always make sure the answers to your questions make sense to you. If not, keep asking until someone explains it further. We are all hear to learn and grow with our new hobby.
As I said, just my 0.02 worth.
As time goes on you will find that you have oppinions and even an answer or two.
Give it time and ask away, we were all there at 1 time.


Active Member
I read alot of your post and if you don't see my post on your sites it's cause I don't know.There's nothing wrong with not answering other posts,especially if you don't have much or any experiance in the matter. By all means keep asking questions and soak it all in.You will learn alot from this site and as time progresses you to will will have more answers for new comers.


keep asking questions in this hobby it seems like you never know enough, from reading the post and links i learn new stuff every day :D


New Member
I too am a newbie to reefs. I also feel like it's a one way street about asking so many questions about "dumb" stuff, but I know down the road I'll be able to contribute to others on this board.
We certainly own a lot of thanks to the members who have helped folks like us get off to a good start!


I too am relativly new to reefs thus I ask more than I answer. That's OK and one of the main points of a board such as this one. Educating the beginer.
With time We will become answerers if we stick to the hobby and gain knowlege. I participate in another board (different subject) where I started completely uneducated, but now am one of the old guard movers and shakers. It all comes in time my friend.