Is clam dying???


Hi Everybody,
I really need some help. :help: I have a clam on my sandbed, don't know the name. Anyway, for the last three days it's mantle has slowly been shrinking inside it's shell. The shell is open an inch or so, but the mantle is getting smaller and smaller. Is my clam dying?
Is this a sign? My husband thinks that is what is happening, but I thought I would check with these message boards to be sure.
Also, if it is indeed dying, should I just remove it now?
Thanks in advance for any responses.


It sounds like it is in fact dying. More info is needed. Some clams prefer rocks so we need to know the type of clam or at least a good pic. Also we need to know what lighting you have as most clams require very intense lighting.


It may be dying, but don't give up. Clams are very sensitive to water conditions and lighting. How long have you had the clam? It may do better if it is on rock, closer to the light source. Have you had any water condition changes. Do a water change, move it off of the sand, and see what happens.


Thanks for the speedy replys. I will try to move it closer to my lights on my topmost rock. I just did this and noticed that the inside mantle is totally detached from the right inside of the shell. Should I just remove it now, or will it re-attched itself.
I was told by my LFS owner that I had enough lighting for this clam which is the only reason I got it. This store is out of business now so I wonder if the guy was telling the truth or not.


I forgot to mention that I have a Derasa clam that is supposed to only require moderate light. I run T-5 HO lights, 3.9 watts per galloon. This info was told to my LFS owner before i bought the clam because i wanted to make certain that I had the correct lighting before my purchase.


Often times a LFS will tell you whatever it takes to get you to spend money. This does not mean it's right. Also they often employ people that don't know and guess to make a sale.
I manage a LFS and we don't play that game. I won't sell anything to someone if they can't care for it properly and neither will anyone else in our store.
Again I ask what type of lighting you have and what type of Clam. If you don't know the answers then post pics so we can help you. Other wise I fear this poor animal is gone.


Originally Posted by nanahugs
I forgot to mention that I have a Derasa clam that is supposed to only require moderate light. I run T-F HO lights, 3.9 watts per galloon. This info was told to my LFS owner before i bought the clam because i wanted to make certain that I had the correct lighting before my purchase.
Ok, Derasa Clams are a Low Light species and should do fine if you have T-5 HO lighting.
What are your water parameters? Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate? How big/small is the clam? Do you feed phytoplankton?


Reefer, I posted the info you wanted above. Also, the LFS owner sold me the clam. I am feeling awful right now because if I loose this it will be my first loss since i set up my tank last November.


Reefer, I do feed it Phytoplankton. I had a thought though. My Clarkii Clownfish could be irritating it evertime it stirs up the sand from the sandbed because it gets sand inside the clam. It's possible.
My only question is, when should I remove this clam if it is indeed dying?


Originally Posted by nanahugs
Reefer, I do feed it Phytoplankton. I had a thought though. My Clarkii Clownfish could be irritating it evertime it stirs up the sand from the sandbed because it gets sand inside the clam. It's possible.
My only question is, when should I remove this clam if it is indeed dying?
Sand won't bother it much unless it's really excessive. Give it another day or two. If the mantle loosens anymore, Pull it. You didn't say what size it is but at this point I don't think it matters alot.
Best of luck with it. You might try a QT tank if you have on in case something is nipping at it.


Reefer, I do have a 20G QT tank, but it only has an 18W CF bulb on the top. If it would be ok to put it in this tank with less lighting, then I will do it. Like I said, the mantle has totally pulled away from the right side of the shell and I think from the bottom as well. My water tested great so it is not a problem with my water.


Angels can nip....Tangs can too. It will be ok in the QT with the PC lights for a short term. This will give it a chance to recover if it is being bothered by something.


Reefer...What a wonderul tank of inhabitants! Thank you so much for sharing.
I put my clam in my QT tank and will keep an eye on it.
One issue that I have been dealing with has to do with my water heating up. I think I just solved this problem by removing my glass top and putting the legs back on my lighting unit. So far so good, the temperature has remained constant, wheras before it would easily jump 3 degrees. It is 80 degrees now, whereas before it would jump to over 83 degrees. After reading some posts here last night, I decided to remove my glass top because I do not have any "jumpers" in my tank.


Yea removing hte tops will help, also might want to try putting a fan on your tank. I don't have a chiller on my tank and that really helps keep my temp down durring the sumer. But it doubles my evaporation...


I have a squamosa(scale clam) and I put him in the sand with low flow and after a couple of days he looked as you decribed yours. I moved him to the rock w/ a little more flow and closer to my PC, he perked up in a couple of days and is looking better. When I feed him phytoplex hes happy as a clam
