Is copper okay to be added to a fish only tank?


New Member
I Know I Will Get Grief For This But, Yes, You Can Use Copper In A Fish Only Tank. I Had The Same Problems You Had And Lost 200.00 Worth Of Fish Until I Went To A Fish Store Referred To By A Friend And He Got Me On The Right Track. I Have A Hippo Tang, Copper Band, Maroon Clown, Coral Beauty, And A Porc. Puffer In My 55 Gal. Tank. I Maintain A 10-12 Level Of Copper . Since I Started This, My Fish Have Thrived For 2yrs Without Any Outbreak Of Disease. I Use A Uv Sterilizer And Do A 10-12 Gal Water Change Every 12-14 Days. I Was Told By People On This Site That My Tank Would Crash And That I Was Killing My Fish Internally----in Their Opinion. All I Know Is I Come Home To A Tank With Healthy--disease Free Fish ---every Night. Use Your Own Judgement

and Good Luck.....


Active Member
No, coppper has a very ill effect on many fish. You would be much better off with a hyposalinity treatment.