Is Cycling Complete and Next Step?


My tank has been in cycle mode for 7 weeks now. Its a 125 gallon FWLRO. I have 45 lbs of live rock uncured and a damsel in there for that time. My ammonia has peaked about a week or two ago to between .50 and 1. Now for the past week it is back down to 0. :cheer:
I never noticed the Nitrites moving at all to much past zero on the scale.
Nitrates are zero. Ph is between 8.2 and 8.4.
Is my cycle complete. LFS said probably. If it is I was thinking about either adding a clown or two. I really have my eye on a Blue Throat Trigger. Its $65 about 6 inches. Should I get it. He has been in LFS for about 3 months now. He seems healthy. What do you guys think :thinking:
It seems to be a good price for him.....he has two tiny tiny white spots on his top fin but the tank conditions prolly arent the best at the store. I have always had good luck with triggers. He told me there would be now way to have clowns with him. He would eat them.
Opinions wanted!


the nitrites are at 0.....the scale for zero is blue, .25 is purple....i never read anything besides nitrites are zero and always have been.


Originally Posted by MJordan23
My tank has been in cycle mode for 7 weeks now. Its a 125 gallon FWLRO. I have 45 lbs of live rock uncured and a damsel in there for that time. My ammonia has peaked about a week or two ago to between .50 and 1. Now for the past week it is back down to 0. :cheer:
I never noticed the Nitrites moving at all to much past zero on the scale.
Nitrates are zero. Ph is between 8.2 and 8.4.
Is my cycle complete. LFS said probably. If it is I was thinking about either adding a clown or two. I really have my eye on a Blue Throat Trigger. Its $65 about 6 inches. Should I get it. He has been in LFS for about 3 months now. He seems healthy. What do you guys think :thinking:
It seems to be a good price for him.....he has two tiny tiny white spots on his top fin but the tank conditions prolly arent the best at the store. I have always had good luck with triggers. He told me there would be now way to have clowns with him. He would eat them.
Opinions wanted!
Ok since there at zero you can get fish but i have no idea about triggers sry but i will look them up be back in a second or to with info maybe.



Ok found some info you have to feed them hard shelled things to keep there never ending teeth down also they should be fine with a clown fish but i would add the clown fishes first just my 2 cents.

Hope this helps,


well you should be ok with the clown fish but i dont know if a trigger needs a mauture tank but if you dont have a cleanup crew yet you should get one



yeah I will get a cleanup crew eventually.....prolly christmas get some money for some stuff like that..........anyone else?


Originally Posted by MJordan23
do you think my tank is ready for fish though? specifically him?
If you're building any tank, add in the least aggressive fish first... That damsel may end up being the most agressive thing you've got... It, right now, owns the tank. I'd advise returning it and getting something docile in your list of fish for this tank.
I thought I had a good match in mine adding a sunrise dottyback and two black perculas... Worked for a while, but the dottyback started staking out more and more territory... eventually subduing the perculas... not good...
What is your working list of future inhabitants? if you don't have one, start working one up and list them from least to most agressive... My final fish in my tank will be a flame angel. Next to go in is at least one and hopefully two six line wrasse...


Originally Posted by MJordan23
yeah I will get a cleanup crew eventually.....prolly christmas get some money for some stuff like that..........anyone else?
I'd get that crew in now rather than later... They will be more than helpfull in keeping algae and other nasties at bay...


My wish list is always changing...I would love a nice Hippo Tang, but I never have luck with them....I really love this blue throat trigger that I have been for months....My real question is whether people think Im cycled yet or not?


Was the LR pre-cured?
Also, a good rule of thumb concerning LR is 1# per Gallon...
it is going to be your best defense against all them nasty chemicals that can build up.
My tank cycled exceedingly quick. But, only becase the LR I bought had been curing for a VERY long time. I never saw an amonia spike and my only nitrite spike was during an episode with a coral that died...
Best test is to supply a good source of ammonia (Turbo-start) and see if you get and maintain a spike. If your cycle is complete, you should end up with nitrates and zero ammonia/nitrites.


Active Member
If you're not sure if cycled, ghost feed you're tank and see if you get an ammonia spike. No spike, you're done cycling. If theres a fish allready in it and you have no ammonia , you're done.


I wanted to double check my ammonia levels and now Im not sure if its 0 or really depends on the lighting in the room. Like I said its been 7 weeks with 45 lbs of live rock uncured and a damsel with feeding. I swear this morning the ammonia was at zero. Nitrites are at 0 and have always been. My local fish store guy said some tanks never see increases in nitrites and thats ok. This is a 125 FOWLR. Here is my wish list: What do you think and what to get first.
Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Emperor or French Angel
Long Nosed Hawkfish
Firefly Fish
Yellow Headed Jawfish
Some Percular Clowns
What do you think and is my tank cycled?!?!?!? Here is a pic of my tank. I know I need more rock and Im eventually going to get more maybe for xmas


Active Member
you can't get a clean up crew with a trigger lol they wouldn't last very long. I would read up on triggers they do require some special care. Keep in mind they can be very aggressive as they get larger jmo