is he gonna die!!


its been almost 1 week and my cousins clown tang still dident eat. in his 75 gallon tank!! there are always seaweed sheats in there but he doesent even go near them. his yellow tang loves the sheets!! the only think the clown tang eats is he picks on the LR but theres nuthing on it!! he ate brine shrimp yesterday!!!!!! but today he dident what should we do??what other food do they like?

sinner's girl

try putting the food in garlic.
are you sure he's not eatting? There are little creatures and algea in lr, he may be eating that.
how is the tang acting? is anyone picking on him? Was he acclimated correctly? put in a QT? what are the water paramiters? am, trites, trates, ph, sg, ect?


ok no one is bothering him. he was acclimated for 2 hours. he was not QT'd (my cousin does not have a qt) wat par are.. trites 0 amonia 0 nitrates 15 (doing a 10% water change tomorow) ph 8.2. gravity 1.023


Active Member
Basically try everything even flake. Call LFS and see what he was eating there/how long he was in the store. From what little experience I have with tangs I notice they can get into a feeding "rut" taking only a certain type of food and it can take some time to break them of this habit. However I have never seen a tang go more than a week without figuring out what that algae clip was all about.
If he is still active and not looking particularly emaciated its not time to panick....yet.
Good luck.