is he lonely


My perc clown is in my 30 gallon tank all by himself. I removed the damsels i had because they are too aggressive to the last clown. Do you think he would enjoy another clown? Can you put a tank raised clown with a true perc... i read that post about buying tank raised stuff and i agree.
I was thinking of either getting him a another clown buddy, or a royal gramma ... maybe this new clown would take up residence in my anemone!
If anyone can help this choice i apperciate it :)


Active Member
Clown fish are social creatures. They do not necessarily need another clown, but they should have either a host anemone, or a swimming buddy. I have a single maroon clown, and he has buddied up with my trigger and angel, so I'm not much worried about him being lonely.
If I were in your shoes, and this is strictly my preferance/opinion, I'd look at a dwarf angel (bi-color or coral beauty perhaps) or another clown for him. I too would try to buy tank raised if at all possible.
Just my $.02. Good luck.


Thanks for the info... i though that might be it.. needs a buddy!
I am gonna get another clown.. see I Really want a lemon peel..(type of angel) but i don't think my tank is ready yet.. only been up and running for two months :)
Thanks again :) ;)


Active Member
Happy to help out Becky. You said your tank has been up for 2 months... have you been testing your water? If your crucial parameters are stable, you should be fine with a lemonpeel. I have yellow angel (very similar to the lemonpeel) that gets along very will with my maroon clown and my niger trigger. The angel was the second fish we added.
Just make sure your ph, nitrates and nitrites are at good levels, and that they are stable. Otherwise, I don't see why you couldn't try a lemonpeel.
Good luck.


my water is as follows: ph 8.3 to 8.4
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
amonia 0
sality 1.24 or .25
temp 78 to 80
is it ok that it flutuates two degrees every now and then?
let me know how well u think this is.. I can;t wait for the lemon peel! :) ;)


Active Member
Your salinity is a little on the high side of acceptable. It's probably fine, but you may want to try to bring it down to about 1.23 (general consensus seems to say 1.23 is optimum for fish and corals). Other than that, if you trates/trites, ammonia and ph are all stable at those levels, you should be fine. And if so, I say go ahead... get that lemonpeel!!!
Have fun!