Is it common for Powder Brown's to......


Is it common for Powder Brown's to try to eat Cleaner Shrimp? My PB (Dawg) bit off my Cleaner Shrimp's long white antenna's. I loved the way they looked when they were long. Now they are short and stubby and the shrimp hides. What should I do?


Active Member
They may nip off the antennaes thinking they are food but the shrimp will molt and grow them back. However I would be more concerned about the head and line erosion on your tang.


I just got the PB a couple of days ago. I'm not sure what you mean? What should I do? Thank you for your help.


Nevermind.....My PB and my Hippo Tang bit off my cleaner shrimps head. I guess I wont be getting another cleaner shrimp. That sucks! I really like the look of the cleaner shrimp. Also thanks petjunkie for the help with the HLLD information. I'm already on my way to hopefully fixing it and getting my tang healthy.


Active Member
not normal behavior. I have a hippo and powder too. they dont even go after amphipods much less shrimp.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
not normal behavior. I have a hippo and powder too. they dont even go after amphipods much less shrimp.

That's just my luck. I have DEMON TANGS!


What are you feeding your tangs? They do not normaly attack cleaner shrimp. How old is your tank? How much LR do you have? What sized tank?


Active Member
i think it is a rare case when tangs do this. although my experience was with a yellow zebramosa , and i have seen two other threads about with yellow tangs only. mine did this to all shrimp i had, and the shrimp died from stress.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
What are you feeding your tangs? They do not normaly attack cleaner shrimp. How old is your tank? How much LR do you have? What sized tank?
I'm feeding them dry seaweed, Formula 2, Flakes with Garlic and frozen brine shrimp. My tank is 6 weeks old and I have 36 lbs of rock (getting 65 lbs more tomorrow) 75 gallons.


Originally Posted by wanabebell
your tang is also very thin
needs food lots of it to get him bulking back up quickly

I just bought him Saturday. I'm feeding them 2 times a day.


It is too late now, but you should not have bought your PB until your tank was about 4-6 months old.........


Originally Posted by mweezy05
It is too late now, but you should not have bought your PB until your tank was about 4-6 months old.........

Great...I'm only 3-5 months early then.


Active Member
Make sure the rock you are buying is fully cured before it goes in your tank and keep a close eye on your tang for any signs of ich, tangs are very prone to this and generally don't do well in younger tanks. I also would consider maybe bringing this one back as tangs are not a good beginner fish really and this one will grow too large for your tank. Also tangs tend to be very aggressive to any new additions, especially when they are added first and in smaller spaces. I would recommend you buy The Guide to Marine Fishes by Scott Micheal and The Consentious Marine Aquarist, they are full of good info. This hobby will only cause you headaches if you don't research any purchases before buying, almsot everyone here has learned this lesson the hard way.


through away the brine shrimp get mysis continue feeding twice a day a keep an algea clip with food all day too
tangs in the wild are constantly foraging for food


Active Member
I have heard of sohals and clown tangs killing shrimp but never heard of powders or hippos but some fish dont get the hand book for their species.
that fish should be able to be brought back to health but next time make sure to buy a healthy specimen. you should purchase either zoecon or selcon (same ingredients different brand) to soak frozen food in before feeding. the brine is fine since any meaty food it gets is just a treat to begin with. you will be using that just to get the vitamins in it (if you have carnivores then lose the brine for mysis). use only enough to absorb a drop of zoecon/selcon. that wont be but a tip cut off a or a thin slice off the cube. the formula 2 is good but I wouldn't go crazy with that either, its still too meaty (I feed it once a week or two). the algae sheets and soak are whats going to reverse HLLE and the sheets the primary diet. Keep it clipped all day until it is acting like most healthy tangs which is devowering anything you put on the clip within a few minutes. at that point clipping a 2x3" in the morning and again in the evening will suffice.