Is it dead


Active Member
My anemone started shriveling up and doing wierd things too. It is an LTA. It turned out that my pH had dropped too low and my Alk was also low. I slowly brought it back up with Kent Tech CB formula (over a day's time), and I also added some iron and iodine. It suddenly opened up and looks great now. I added the iron for my mangroves because they were starting to brown a little and I normally add iodine for my inverts. Within 30 min of adding these the anemone was looking good again.
If your anemone is crapping out then there's something that it doesn't like. Not enough light, too much light, water conditions different from what it came from, temp too high, SG off. If there are any issues to your water quality that you can address, then that would help.
You may even consider throwing some carbon in your filter to absorb any impurities that you may be unaware of.


Active Member
Ok, thanks, I will recheck out the water again. For now, I moved it under a rock. When I picked it up, it did not smell, and it kinda puffed up, so I know it is still alive.